Please pray for our Patriot Armed Forces standing in harm’s way around the world, and for their families, especially those of our fallen Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen, who have died in defense of American liberty while prosecuting the war with Jihadistan.
From todays edition of Der Spiegel, an excerpt from an article written by Norbert F. Potzi, entitled "Life In a Parallel Society",may explain why Obama's Blue Presidential Seal had the phrase "E Pluribus Unum" removed.It is a statement establish by Congress in 1782 as part of the Presidential seal.
The phrase means "out of many, one".
In this statement it is implied that we all join together top make one country with the same laws and originally suggesting that out of many colonies or states emerge a single nation, it has come to suggest in contemporary times that out of many peoples, races, and ancestries has emerged a single people and nation – illustrating the concept of the melting pot.
But the Germans have found that the majority of the Muslim immigrants have not assimilated. Most have not learned the language, and Sharia law appears to be the rule of law in the "ghettos" where Muslims accumulate.
In this article the author makes the argument that Muslims can live side by side with Germans and still not assimilate into the German society.
There are an estimated 3.4 million Muslims living in Germany, making it the second largest religious group after Christians in Germany. A majority of them from Turkey,but many cam from Bosnia,Iran Iraq and Morocco. They were encouraged to emigrate to Germany to work in the industrial machine that made Germany an economic power house in the 70' and 80's.
As morally indignant young Muslims turn away from what they view as decadent German culture, some are cultivating feelings of superiority. While their immigrant parents and grandparents tried to assimilate, at least on the surface, some young Muslims deliberately flaunt the fact that they are different by wearing strict Islamic clothing in public.
The young, criminal Muslims whose acts of violence are so often in the news are rebelling against the majority society in their own way. They berate the victims of their brutal attacks as "s**t Germans" and "pig-eaters," even to the point of occasionally abusing a police officer of Turkish descent as a "s**t Christian."
The problem of assimilation is not helped by people like Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, with his recent inflammatory rhetoric. "Speaking to a cheering crowd of close to 20,000 Turks, some of them already naturalized German citizens, at the Cologne Arena two weeks before the February conference, Erdogan warned his fellow Turks against going too far in their efforts to integrate. "No one can expect you to subject yourselves to assimilation," he said. "Because assimilation is a crime against humanity".
No one had asked the Turks to submit to assimilation, the total removal of cultural and religious identity. But the consequences of a refusal to be integrated into majority German society are all too apparent in the neighborhoods surrounding Sonnenallee in Neukölln"where crime has increased dramatically.
Thus when I first saw Obama posed behind a blue simulated Presidential seal I wondered about the choice of words that replaced the normal wording. Instead of the Latin "E pluribus unum" (Out of many, one), Obama's says "Vero possumus", rough Latin for "Yes, we can." Instead of "Seal of the President of the United States", Obama's Web site address is listed. And instead of a shield, Obama's eagle wears his "O" campaign logo with a rising sun representing hope ahead!
Not only is the wording questionable, the gaul of a man who has not even been formally nominated as his party candidate, standing behind a quasi-presidential seal!
No matter if you or I believe Obama is a Muslim "mole" or the anti-Christ, he does insult the rest of us who have assimilated, and become one of many. It appears to this seasoned citizen that by removing E Pluribus Unum, Obama has declared that living together as one is not necessary to keep this nation together.But then is that not what his pastor of twenty years declared from his pulpit?
The Europeans are experiencing first hand what lack of assimilation produces. Ghettos are developing where Sharia laws prevail, and crime rates and civil disobedience bordering on race riots are happening. All is not well in places like France, Germany and Holland!
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