Thanks to J. R. Dunn who wrote an article in today's "AMERICAN THINKER", I have another point to make about the ineptitude of the Democratic selection to run for President.
Only a person who has no knowledge of recent history, at least the last 65 years is not considered ancient history, would know that the vain attempt to revitalize a failing economy by establishing the NRA was one of FDR'S blunders.
As you can see from the following excerpt of the article, Roosevelt's attempt to socialize business including closing the banks was an abject failure. It took the Japanese to salvage our economy when they bombed Pearl Harbor December 7, 1941. This put in motion the machine that is derogatorily refereed to as the military industrial complex.
Many people believe that the Democrat President had prior knowledge of the planned Japanese attack, and let it happen so the USA could regain it's economy on a war time economic machine. It is unkind to say ill of the dead, so I will defer to Roosevelt, and say as did the critics of Bush , that he had bad intelligence.
The result was the greatest war time manufacturing machine in the history of the world. Tool and die makers, "Rosy the riviters" and automobile companies turned out enough planes, ships, tanks and guns to supply not only our troops, but the British, French and Russians. We won the war, but Roosevelt died, and never saw the results of his war machine.
Why Obama allowed himself to be photographed with the symbol of the NRA superimposed over a make-over of the presidential seal is beyond understanding!
It was completely overlooked (as far as I've seen, anyway) that a direct inspiration for the seal was the public symbol for one of Franklin D. Roosevelt's greatest policy disasters. An eagle, a blue background: Blue Eagle. Which happens to have been the emblem of the National Recovery Administration (NRA). FDR's attempt to beat the Depression by collectivizing(aka socializing) the U.S. economy.
"The NRA was the centerpiece of the "Hundred Days", FDR's whirlwind law-passing spree following his inauguration. It was the work of "brain trusters" Rexford G. Tugwell and Adolf Berle, adapted directly from Mussolini's "corporative" system.
The NRA attempted to "organize" the U.S. economy from the largest corporations to the smallest Mom n' Pop store. Businesses were encouraged to sign up with the proviso that they would be able to write their own rules for their industries, effectively turning them into cartels. Member businesses were allowed to place the Blue Eagle in their windows, along with the slogan "We Do Our Part".
Businesses were required to pay minimum wage, abandon child labor, and adapt wage and price controls. As for businesses that held out... well, the NRA was run by an ex-general, Hugh Johnson, who, to put it kindly, was not Colin Powell. Johnson took the Mussolini connection to heart, declaring all businesses not displaying the Blue Eagle to be "enemies of the people", and encouraging the public to boycott them, if not worse.
But it was even more dangerous for companies that signed up. Businessmen were jailed for breaking NRA rules, and goon squads roamed the streets of Manhattan looking for violators The story is told in detail in Jonah Goldberg's Liberal Fascim. The Secret History of the American Left and Amity Shlae's The Forgotten Man. A New History of the Great Depression.
How this nonsense was supposed to end the Depression is anybody's guess. In short order, it ran afoul of the Supreme Court, which on May 27, 1935, found the NRA illegal in Schechter Poultry Corporation v. United States, the so-called "sick chicken" case. The Court struck down the NRA as an unconstitutional extension of executive power. Roosevelt was forced to drastically modify his plans for the economy".
This "empty suit" who speaks well only when he has a teleprompter, will be exposed for his lack of knowledge about anything other than left wing thinking, when the debates begin. He has tripped over his own tongue numerous times up to this point. If the people who run the televised debates are honest about their questions, don't let him know before what they are, he will be exposed for the ameatuer that he is. He is trying to play a professional game with no prior experience in the field of battle, and I would hate to think of what he would do when the"red phone rings in the night", and it will!
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