I am no fan of ex-President Carter. In fact I believe he is one of the worst Presidents we had and a very poor example of a previous occupant of the Oval Office.
This being said, I must comment on the poor choice of words he made when Questioned about the Holocaust. His statement about "too many Jews being on the committee" was poorly stated, but has some merit for consideration.
World War II was a bloody and deadly experience for all involved in the War against the Nazi and Japanese enemy.
History records that 54.2 million people lost their lives because of the war. 38,573,000 were civilians killed because they were in combat areas. There was little concern when we wanted to win, about "collateral damage, and the Russians enjoyed killing and raping all they conquered as did the Japanese.
292,131 American fighting forces died during the war. 3,393 died on "D-Day" alone. The wars' estimated cost on all involved was 288 billion dollars.
The Holocaust that has caused so much consternation of late was responsible for killing an estimated 21 million people. The Nazis exterminated in their 26 death camps 5,993,900 Jews!
Tragically forgotten are the 16-20 million non-Jews that were killed in Nazi concentration camps all over Nazi occupied Europe.
The first concentration camp and extermination compound was established in Auschwitz. A Polish town about 50 kilometers from Krakow in May of 1940 after the Nazi war machine captured Poland.
For the first 21 months after Auschwitz was opened it was occupied by non-Jewish Poles who were Christians, mostly Catholic. History shows that 100 thousand non-Jews were killed or died of starvation at Auschwitz, and during this time period 1,700,000 non-Jew Poles were sent to Siberia by the Russians.
Rudolf Hoss, commandant of Auschwitz, testified during the Nuremberg Trials that 3 million people died in this one camp. The Nazis had over 100 camps throughout occupied Europe.
I don't want to diminish the tragedy that the Jewish people experienced as a result of Hitlers' quest to exterminate their population, We must also remember that he killed or had killed many millions of non-Jews in these very same 26 camps solely because he suspected they were in opposition to his dictatorship and goal to conquer the world. Maybe this is what the "lame Brain" ex-President meant to say?
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