The Media story was that the plane broke in half because of a malfunction in the fuel lines that cause the explosion ,breaking the plane in two pieces and sending one piece high into the sky before plunging to the ocean below. This fabrication of a story later confirmed by the FBI, was despite the fact there were 270 witnesses who allegedly saw a missile type object strike the plane before it blew up. The FBI never interviewed any of these witnesses. In fact the FBI was given the authority to do the investigation over the usual airline crash investigating team of the NTSB by Valerie Casprone, now General Counsel for the FBI.
Later that year a little publicized story about a report from an FBI informant, serving time for violation of the RICO law, appeared briefly. The prisoner, Gregory Scarpa, was a prison mate of Raji Yousef. Yousef allegedly was involved in the bombing of the New York Federal Building and author of the "Bojinka" plot to use airplanes as flying bombs. Scarpa told FBI and allegedly they turned the report over to the Clinton Administration. Allegedly Clinton reviewed the documents and made handwritten notes on the margins of the report. Nothing was done to follow up the leads.
Fast forward to 2003, 2004 and we find millionaire Trade Lawyer , now National Security Advisor to President Clinton(1997-2001) made four trips to the National archives. On the fourth trip he was caught taking documents outside the National Archives building stuffed in his jacket and pants. Berger later admitted he hid the documents under a construction vehicle so he could retrieve them and cut them in pieces after reading them to prepare for his testimony before the 911 commission. Where these documents evidence that Clinton and Berger knew of the threat to use flying bombs against America? We will never know, and for his help prisoner Scarpa was shipped off to a Maximum Security prison in Colorado for a 40 year sentence. Rather stiff for a RICO violation!
Paul Brachfield, Inspector General testified to Justice Department on 12/20/06 about Bergers theft, but the Justice Department failed to inform the 9/11 Commission of the destruction by Berger of some potentially damaging and informative documents about the 9/11 attack by terrorists.
For his actions Mr.Berger was convicted, in April of 2005 of unauthorised removal and retention of documents. He stole them and destroyed them, but the judge ruled that his crime was a misdemeanor and sentenced him to 2 years probation, 100 hours of Community service and 50,000 dollar fine. This was Bergers second judicail fine. He was previously convicted in Civil Court of failing to sell his AMACO stock as ordered by the White House in 1994. He said he forgot! Thus he was not charged criminally as you and I would be.
Now the news that the Judge that reviewed Bergers case and found no criminal action, Judge Noel Hilliman is being proposed by President Bush for the Federal Bench. The man whose conclusion of innocence for Berger was not preceeded by an interview of Inspector General Paul Brachfield regarding Mr. Bergers visits to the National archives 5/30/02, 7/18/02 at which time he allegedly reviewed and posibly took documents that were from the White House which were not yet inventoried. Were these documents damaging to Clinton? Did he know of the pending threat to the U.S. by flying bombs yet failed to act? We will never know. but if so then we have a Berger/ClitonGate that makes Watergate look like a "TEAPARTY"!

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