The only Supreme Court Justices to dissent on this decision were Justice White and Rehnquist. The other seven decided to play God, and ruled that the Texas Laws and all other laws against abortion violated the "Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment of the United States Constitution."
The rights of the living but yet unborn that are protected by the "Right to Life" affirmed in the Declaration of Independence were summarily dismissed.
The original case was sold to a willing accomplice, The Supreme Court, as a "Right to Privacy", but has morphed into a womans' right to choose. Never mind the unprotected unborn!
The Texas law that was being challenged said that unless a pregnant woman received medical advice from her attending Physician to have the abortion for health and safety reasons. Abortion was a violation of the criminal law.
Since Roe we have had an increase in STD and millions of tax dollars have gone into the pockets of Planned Parenthood. My observation will have no effect, and the slaughter will go on as Americans have lost their collective Conscience. Next will come the Euthanasia of "Old" and "Infirmed" people I predict. The me, Mine mindset of too many people has changed forever how we value a God given right called Life. We have today our own Holocaust, and we all should morn this atrocity!

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