For reasons of security and personal preference I will not name these nefarious Senators. But anyone who follows the news has to realize they are proposing legislation which will give aid, comfort and encouragement to our enemy.
For those of you not history buffs. I will briefly describe how Benedict Arnold and Vidkun Quisling got their reputations.
Benedict Arnold, born of wealthy parents in Connecticut rose through the ranks of the Revolutionary Army to the Command of the West Point Fort. This fort on the Hudson river, now the home of the military academy that bears the name West Point, was a strong vantage point to defend against any British incursion up the Hudson river.
In 1780 Benedict Arnold whose personal fortune had dwindled down decided he would collaborate with the British. He drew plans to surrender the Fort to the British for 20,000 British pounds and a commission in their army as a general. The plot failed, and Arnold escaped to the British side. He was paid 6000 pounds and given a commission in the British Army as a brigadier general. He later sailed to England where he lived out his infamous life.
Vidkun Quisling was an officer in the Norwegian Army who was an admirer of Adolf Hitler. When the Germans occupied Norway during world war II he collaborated with the occupying forces and was made a "quasi-mayor" of Oslo. He continued his co-operation with the Nazis through out the war, and was rewarded by the Norwegian people after the defeat of the Nazis' with hanging. His was the first of many collaborators to hang in a country that before the war had banned the death penalty.
The dictionary defines a collaborator as anyone who "appears to favor the interests of other nations over their own."
The proposal by some senators to cut off funds for the troops being asked for by the new Commander in the field of war and the President is at the very least collaboration, and in my opinion very close to the "T" word!

1 comment:
If the gutless leaders don't have the stomach to authorize additional funds for our troops in battle,then pull our troops now and show our gutless leadership to a world full of enemies, as our earlier gutless leaders did in Vietnam.Playing dirty anti-American politics with the very survival of our country is absolutely insane and these effeminate doves will further harm our country.
We are a nation obsessed with personal gratifications versus our obligation to preserve our freedom with necessary sacrifices.
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