What these sycophants of our enemy are really afraid of is not that we will continue to suffer casualties, as we will, but rather that their hated enemy, President Bush, will succeed in his quest to turn Iraq into a beginning of the end to dictatorship rule in the Arab States with a Democratly elected government in Iraq that funtions.
Irans' political leader is on very soft ground with a great deal of unrest in the populace due to the unstable economic state, partially resulting from the UN sanctions, and Khomeini is restless for a change to his way.
In Iraq the Mahdi army, led by terrorist Muqtada al-Sadr, has its' back to the wall because of President Bushs' proposal to send 23,000 more troops to Iraq. The "insurgent" supply of terrorist troops from Al Qaeda, Wahhabis, Baathists and Arab Nationalists is dwindling because of the infighting going on in the sectarian war in Iraq's major cities.
The financial support that has come from Iran is threatened to stop if the new two U.S. Carrier battle groups set up a blockade to Iran.
Thus the war inside Iraq, which those who want the U.S. to loose, is called "Civil War" is really a "hodgepodge" of armed groups, often controlled by Iran, who are fighting because one group wants the new Democratic government to succeed and a group that wants it to fail. The later is unfortunately given comfort by the constant din of the Democrats who demand troop withdrawal.
"Saddam Hussein was confident that if the insurgency succeeded in bogging down the US forces long enough and killing a significant number of American soldiers, it would create doubt in the minds of Americans whether the US could ever win this war. His advisers were sure that such a perception would compel the Americans to force their administration to withdraw the troops. And Saddam Hussein was proven right when a commission, formed to assess the Iraq war and recommend a new course, ruled out the prospect of victory for America.
It is obvious that Democrats do not consider that a victory in Iraq is vital for long term US national security interests. But their insistence that the solution to the Iraq conflict is political rather than military underlines their lack of understanding of the ground realities as they exist in Iraq. They fail to recognize that an artificial country like Iraq, whose component ethnic and sectarian populations have no desire to stay together, cannot be expected to transform into a unified and seamless nationhood on its own."
The quote above is from Iranian scholar Amir Taheri, now living in London England.
Let us hope Our President stays the course so we won't be fighting house to house here on our soil in the future!

1 comment:
Democrats,with rare exception,and some socialist leaning Republicans are interested in popular back home freebies(realistic term for excesses in Govt.wasteful spending for their voting constituents)to keep them in their elitist,career positions in Washington.It is also called selfish phoniness while failing to take positive steps to insure American sovereignty.Most of these creatures are products of the radical 60's and 70's and were educated in our Marxist controlled universities that taught and still teach that God and American Democracy are two pipe dreams by a bunch of radical Bible thumping hypocrites.International communism was the utopian future that they should strive for with sympathy for any anti-American ideology anywhere in the world because anything is better than a Democracy.They are so brain washed that they have made this their fanatical "religion" with their flawed system of beliefs.We can expect little from these left wing idealogues in our struggle to win this war which because of their constant interference would have been over and WON at least two years ago.
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