While most people are struggling to try and balance between buying gasoline for their car and groceries for the family. The female Pontius Pilate of the U.S.Congress,last Friday, turned the lights out in the Congress and left for her sanctuary in Sodom and Gamorra by the bay.
While she washes her hands of the peoples problem with high fuel costs, the Senate is approaching the point of approving one of the most threatening pieces of legislation, that our freedoms and Independence as a Republic has faced in many years.
The LOST treaty if passed, will not only give away our sovereignty , but will make it possible for one of the Worlds most corrupt and ineffective organizations to extract millions of dollars of "tribute" in the form of international taxes for oil which scientists say lies beneath the seas off shore and in the Arctic.
You will excuse me for burdening you with statistics, but I believe that if the American public knew what the Congress, and apparently President Bush intend to burden the USA public with. They would be marching on Washington in such numbers that the million man march would look like a girl scout gathering!
Douglas Stone, a Senior Fellow at the Center for Security Policy, warns that, “LOST fostered the idea, per se, of international organizations with increasing transnational jurisdiction. Its bureaucracy will be nourished by royalties on mineral extraction and provide a model for similar agencies to assume authority and impose taxes and to inexorably devour American institutions and autonomy.”
Can you imagine gifting the United Nations with $50 trillion in Arctic oil taxes? That is what the U.S. Senate proposes to do if it ratifies LOST.
Frank J. Gaffney Jr., president of the Center, reminds us that, “If Americans have learned anything about the United Nations over the last 50 years, it is that this ‘world body’ is, at best, riddled with corruption and incompetence. At worst, its bureaucracies, agencies and members are overwhelmingly hostile to the United States and other freedom-loving nations…”
For more than a decade, the United Nations International Seabed Authority (ISA) has never produced a single commercial minerals harvesting operation despite having unfettered access to all the world’s great oceans resources.
The United States, however, needs more oil now. In addition to Congress having put vast reserves in Alaska’s ANWR off-limits, it has done the same for exploration and drilling in 85% of the nation’s continental shelf.
The solution to America’s present oil crisis lies in part in the Arctic Commons and, in particular, the Amerasia-Canada basin that holds the promise of huge oil reserves for centuries to come.
A dangerous scramble for the oil and gas reserves between Russia and the West can be avoided and, more to the point, the U.S. will lose its entire future commercial and energy security by signing onto LOST. Meanwhile, Democrat leaders in both houses of Congress have already rejected President Bush’s July 14 effort to end a 25-year moratorium on drilling in most coastal waters.
The Democrat controlled Congress is either insane, treasonous, or both. Its presumptive candidate for President wants to repeat Carter’s appalling windfall profits tax on oil companies. The ultimate result was a nearly 60% reduction in U.S. oil production.
As the Bloomberg News report noted, “The region above the Arctic Circle also holds an estimated 1,669 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, equal to 27 percent of the world’s known gas reserves, according to the U.S. Geological Survey report. “Contributors to the data included the Geological Survey of Canada, the U.S. Interior Department’s Minerals Management Service, the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate, the Cambridge Arctic Shelf Program, and researchers in Denmark and Greenland. No Russian institutions took part in the study.”
At a time when nationalized foreign oil companies control more than 70% of the world’s energy resources, private enterprise is the only answer to our national energy security. The largest transfer of wealth in history is occurring and it bodes ill for the United States. We dare not compound this travesty by failing to take steps to ensure access to the Arctic Commons vast reserves.
Call, write, fax and email your Congressional representatives telling them to vote against LOST, or you will vote for anyone but them the next time they are up for re-election. source: Canada Free Press
1 comment:
These elitists have successfully,for the most part,transformed what once was a great Democracy into an Oligarchy with the majority of the masses being led like sheep to slaughter with their uninformed minds accepting as truth anything these arrogant manipulators tell them whether it is true or false.Look the word Oligarchy up in the Wikipedia and you will see a german back during the early part of the 20th century had correctly predicted what becomes of Democracies allowed to be run by a bunch of egotistic loose cannons.
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