I was born at the beginning of the "Great Depression". As an infant I slept in a dresser drawer lined with pillows. Pictures I still have prove this. I of course don"t remember. I had loving parents and two younger brothers to play with. I really didn't feel deprived or "poor". But as I got a few years older in the middle 1930s, and saw what was happening to many friends families in my North West Side of Milwaukee home. I did begin to understand the enormity of the misery our Country was going through. "Bank holidays" and massive unemployment, home forclosures were just a few of the many effects of Depression I was witness to.
Now the Congress of the United States with the aid of our President may be taking the steps backward toward the dreaded bankruptcy of this great Country of ours. No, not next year or ten years from now, but possibly by 2040 we will be "back to the future". We won't be transported in a magical car as young McFly did in the popular movie "Back to The Future". Nor will we be able to hop back into that car and return to the good days before the impending "crash".
How you ask is this going to happen? The present proposals in the Senate, and unfortunately not disapproved of by President Bush, for laws granting "amnesty" to over twenty million illegal aliens is a large step toward accelerating the time of insolvency of the social security program and the whole welfare state as it is presently funded. Predictions by Robert Rector of the Heritage Foundation estimate that giving amnesty to just 60% to 80% of the present illegals will add 11.4 to 16 billion dollars annually to the cost of welfare. Most of this burden on tax payers will be for needed emergency room and hospital costs for the new aliens made legal by amnesty.
In the past five years Medicaid has grown 50% in people eligible. Food stamp recipients has grown 49% and Pell grants have grown 35%. Earned income tax credit program subsidies to 21 million people has leaped to thirty-five (35) billion dollars annually! Much Of this has to be caused by the huge illegal population.
Most respected economists predict that with our current rate of disbursements for benefits staying constant, and income the government takes from our paychecks now to pay for the benefits not being raised by increased taxes. The social security system will collapse by 2040. What do think will happen to the time line for insolvency if we pour another 18-20 million "amnestyed" illegals into the system?
Yet the liberal media and too many members of Congress hope this will happen. After all, following the great depression, the Democrats controled Congress and the White House for forty years! I think many of them want to take us "back to the future!"
Why else would you see in this weeks news a poll done by the New York Times and CBS and widely circulated in the Liberal media that says: 59% of Americans favor more immigrants, 61% wants illegals who lived and worked in the USA for 2 years be given citizenship, and 66% oppose a fence on the border between Mexico and the US.
Where did they take the poll? In Los Angeles California with over 70% Latino population? Thomas Sowell, whom I respect a great deal more than anyone associated with the NYT or CBS, reports in today's "Town Hall", that the "top priority for most polled Americans is for the government to control our borders. How else but with a fence will we do it. The "catch and release policy" being used presently won't do it. Soldiers up and down the border will either capture or shoot alliens trying to cross over from Mexico to the USA. This is not the humane way. A fence provides the best deterrent. Not the solution. Any solution enacted has to include draconian measures such as cutting off all aid to illegals except life saving care.
If we don't solve this problem I am sure the Democrats will get their hold on the government, and socialism will surely follow.