In 2000 I had no hesitation in entering the voting booth to vote for George Bush for President. My hopes and dreams for This wonderful country assured me that he would be a good choice to lead "Us" in the battle for Conservative principles and laws.
In 2004 after all the increased spending passed by a Republican controlled Congress, and not vetoed by President Bush. The many other "compromises made with congressional liberals all led me to doubt that I had voted correctly in 2000. But with the war in Iraq being successfully waged against one of the major proponents of Radical Muslim terror against America. I had no doubt that the sitting President would do a better job then the Democratic nominee, Senator Kerry, for all the obvious reasons.
In 2006 I still support what our Government is doing in the war on Radical Muslim Terrorism, despite the casualty rate of our brave soldiers. No war is fought without loosing too many brave military personal! The problem I have, and apparently from the latest polls, most Americans have, Is the way President Bush and his administration is Handling too many domestic issues.
Immigration is foremost. I am sure any prominent politician who ran on a "ticket" of strong border enforcement and effectively stopping the tidal wave of illegal immigrants from Mexico, would if not win surely make a very good showing in 2008. President Bush and his advisers have not even stopped the bureaucrats who run the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) from ignoring the will of the people by having a policy of "capture and release" for all illegal aliens caught crossing our border from Mexico. Billions of dollars have been appropriated to fund DHS and unfortunately they are not doing their job. How many potential terrorists have bee caught and released. While this is going on. Michelle Malkin reports in here article today that Homeland Security executive staffers in Washington are driven around Washington in "Shillington limousine" Vans and sedans at a tax payer cost of over six (6) million dollars a year. And by the way this service owner, who has a five (5) year contract with the government has a "Rap" sheet 64 pages long with numerous felonies and misdemeanors.
And what is even more outrageous is the border guards who are supposed to stop and arrest the illegals crossing the border. Are reporting to the Mexican government the names of the "Minutemen" volunteers who are trying desperately and at no cost to the taxpayers to apprehend the illegals.
This is happening while Democrats and Republicans together are trying to pass a "Guest Worker" bill. If passed it will most probably be ignored by bureaucrats who are paid to enforce the law, but prefer the "open Border" policy. It would help if our President listened to the majority that elected him and not whomever or whatever is leading him to further disfavor with the disgruntled
"silent majority". Will we hold our nose and vote Republican in 2006 and 2008? Or will we throw the "buggers" out and take our chances with the "Socialist" Democrats?
I will hold my nose and vote a straight ticket as I always have despite my extreme disillusionment with President Bush and his Administration.