The actions of the Senate in Washington D.C. give me the impression that they believe either they were elected by a majority of Americans sympathetic to Illegal immigrants, or they hope to solidify their "princely Status" by granting 12 million illegals into voters whom will vote to keep them in office.
Voting by the Senate to grant social security benefits to these illegals for time worked while residing here illegally is a travesty. Do we reward people who break into our homes? Many of these same illegals have allegedly voted in past elections with forged documents, and I am certain many workers here illegally used forged documents to obtain work. Where is the logic in putting 10-12 million more into an already bankrupt program?
Senator Harry Reid of Nevada stated on the floor of the Senate today that anyone who opposes comprehensive legislation to help the illegal immigrants is a Racist!
It is not only outrageous to say this, but shows he doesn't care to follow the opinions held by a majority of the people who elected him. Polls show the vast majority of Americans want to secure the borders! Time to print the bumper sticker, "Goodbye Harry"!
Although most of the marchers for "illegal immigrants rights" during March, April and May are not Communists. It is now known that some of the major organizers of the marches are Communists or members of Marxist/Leninist organizations. A few of these organizers are: Center for Community Change (CCC), World Workers Party (WWP), Communist Party USA (CPUSA), Fair Immigration Reform Movement (FIRM), and ANSWER.
All of these organizations are known Communist sympathizers. Two of the principals behind the effort to get students to leave schools and join the marches are Margaret Chinn and Mae Lee known agents for Communist China.
Since 2000 over 1.4 billion dollars has been spent to pay for conferences" in such posh locations as Honolulu, Los Cabos Mexico, Barcelona Spain and Disney world. Not for Congressman and Senators, but for Federal Government Agency employees! This at a time of obscene budget deficits.