Human Rights Council

as countries which have little or no concern for freedom of speech, government accountability and little or no concern for human rights. Notably; Communist China, Cuba, Saudi Arabia, Cameroon, Algeria and Azerbaijan. The UN has demonstrated just one more action contrary to its stated purpose when formed in 1945.
China is led by Hu Jintao, whom "Parade Magazine" lists as number six on their list of the Worlds "Ten Worst Dictators".
This based upon human rights abuse. Helping make that decision is the report from inside PRC that between 200,00
and 300,00 Chinese citizen "dissidents" are held captive in "concentration" camps. These "discipline" centers are controlled by Wu Guangheng, Secretary of the Central commission for Discipline Inspection and his 121 commission members. I believe the PRC call them re-education Centers!
My suggestion is we revoke the UN "lease" on the building we paid to be built on the banks of the Hudson River in New York. Ask them to move to Geneva or The Hague. Any place as long as they leave the US, and then we tear down the building. Now the productive part. Sell off the bricks and artifacts from the destruction of this monument to anti-Americanism to all that will buy a memento of this colossal mistake. Maybe it wouldn't put much of a dent in our national dept. But it would be a great sale! The "Pet Rock"made millions. This sale could amount to numbers in the hundred millions of dollars.
If what I have written above doesn't convince you it is past time for the UN to go. Consider these indisputable facts. 1.) The first Secretary General of the UN was Aler Hiss. A convicted Soviet Spy! 2.) Since the UN was founded in 1945 to provide "mans best hope for peace". There have been 140 wars! Korea and Vietnam just two that had UN sanction and troop participation. Not to forget Bosnia, which has some UN and American troops still there. The Korean war has not officially ended for over 50 years. Only a truce and cease fire currently exits between North Korea and the US. 3.) In 1961 the UN with tacit co-operation of the US state department and President John Kennedy drafted a proposal for world total disarmament, including the United States of America, except for troops " intended for internal security forces". Wouldn't the terrorists and "peacenics"around the world love that! 4.) All fourteen of the first Undersecretaries of the UN were avowed Communists.
There is no logical reason to expect that building on the Hudson is not still infested with voting members whose sole purpose in life is to end our way of life and destroy the USA premier place in the World of Civilized nations. Its (the UN) departure is long over due!