Not since the war for Independence has this Country faced a threat to individual liberties as we find ourselves today. No, it did not happen overnight. It has been a gradual erosion of the quality of education, the shift to the extreme left of the print and television media, the embrace of multiculturalism and political correctness over the past twenty years. But today we are at a crossroads in the great experiment Our founding fathers called Liberty and Freedom.
In November we will determine whether The United States of America remains a Land of Individuals free to determine the fate of their lives within the laws of the land. Or we will elect a President who has the goal of making the USA into a Utopian type of Socialist State! A country where the government not only provides you what it believes is best for you from cradle to grave, but tells you what you can and cannot say!
We are some 230 years after the formation of the greatest, most productive, prosperous, powerful and generous free nation on earth, possibly voting ourselves back into tyranny in the name of a greater common good. Far too many people have stopped asking the question about what limited role in society our government should fulfill ( as did Our Founders), but have hopped aboard the "gravy train to paradise", never suspecting it to be the graveyard express to the ideological gulag, and the loss of individual freedoms.
We no longer respect or protect the first fundamental unalienable American right, Life. Over a million abortions are performed per year since Roe/Wade. The second, the right to individual Liberty has been replaced with the group rights of the community, and our right to individually define and pursue (earn) happiness has been traded for the right of the group to both define and re-distribute happiness at the federal level. People are now asking government to meet the needs that were once obligations of individuals themselves, family and neighbors, the public charity, church organizations, and Almighty God. A clear recipe for tyranny in exchange for laziness.
Our federal government has indeed become destructive of the very values and principles every American is called to uphold and defend in Our Constitution and Bill of Rights, and unless we change our government by changing our voting patterns, we will soon have no choice but to abolish them and start anew.
Democrats today stand fully opposed to all founding American principles and values. But Republicans get no free pass here either. The party which once stood up to Democratic Socialists in defense of the real American Dream, has in recent years joined the Left in an only slightly slower march into Democratic Socialism. As a result, all elected members of the federal government enjoy the lowest approval ratings in U.S. history. Lower than the President!
Today’s Democrats call themselves “the Party of the Working Class, the poor, the downtrodden.” They promise to rob from “the rich” for the betterment of the poor. In other words, they are selling exactly what Marx, Lenin and Stalin and many other Communists have sold over the years, “From each, according to his ability; to each, according to his need.”
Same Change – New Name
Socialized medicine is being sold as “universal health care” – government ownership or control of the nation’s vast natural resources is being sold as “environmentalism” – Freedom of Religion is now being sold as “freedom from religion,” in accordance with the Marx view that “The first requirement for the happiness of the people is the abolition of religion.” Today’s federal charade called government, may march toward Socialism before you will realize what has been done?
We are seeing the emergence of a false "messianic" state. In order to incorporate an essential religious theme into their campaign message, liberal candidates and political commentators have presented a socialist reinterpretation of The Sermon on the Mount as the true biblical model, and Obama uses the reference freely.
Our problem is not whether we are ready for the first minority president, or the first women president. The question is whether America's good is best served, in either case, by a potential leader that will lurch us further toward socialism than George McGovern would have in 1972.
Hillary Clinton recently stated it quite clearly, “We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good.” Nikita Khrushchev said it this way, “Comrades! We must abolish the cult of the individual decisively, once and for all” and apparently, today’s Democrat Party is united in this belief system. Remember Joseph Stalin once said:" We do not have to defeat America in war. We will destroy it from within".
source: New Media Journal/JB Williams
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