QUEEN NANCY Pelosi, who has repeatedly slammed the door on new drilling as an answer to high gas prices, rushed Thursday to clarify comments to reporters that appeared to hint at new flexibility on an issue that has pitted environmental concerns against the need to respond to consumer pain with gasoline at $4 a gallon. “It could be that in the bigger picture of things, as things go together it may be that it has a place,” Pelosi said in an end-of-session round table with reporters. “Whether it’s for coal, for natural gas or whether it’s for nuclear...If it fits into the bigger picture, it may have a place.” And, asked if she could envision a scenario where there could be a vote on new offshore drilling, she said, “Of course.” But shortly thereafter, Pelosi’s office issued a written “clarification” stating that Pelosi was not changing her position. “She has no plans to bring to the floor a bill to allow drilling in protected areas,” spokesman Drew Hammill said in the statement. “The Speaker was referring to the issue of expanding supply. Drilling, no doubt, will be part of the mix in transitioning to a more fuel-efficient global economy.”...On Thursday, [Republicans] detected a shift from Pelosi’s insistence, voiced earlier this month, that “we can’t drill our way out” of soaring fuel costs. “It’s clear her spinners are backpedaling,” said House Republican Conference Chairman Adam Putnam (FL). source New Media Journal
So the U.S. Congress adjourned Friday at 11:36 a.m. ,and proceeded to turn out the lights and the microphones on the Republican Congressman who were arguing the merit of drilling for oil off shore and in ANwR to end our dependence on OPEC oil!
It became so dark in the "people's house: that C-Span discontinued it's normal full coverage of the proceedings of the House. Thus the Democrats actually allowed "Queen" PELOSI TO DERAIL THE Republicans ATTEMPT TO AFFECT SOME RELIEF FOR THE American PUBLIC THAT IS HAVING TO CHOOSE BETWEEN PAYING FOR FUEL OR BUYING GROCERIES FOR THEIR FAMILY!
And now they have the Chutzpah to go home and tell their constituents that they should be re-elected because, they are doing their best for them!!
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