Bush traitors Richard Perle and Kenneth Adelman both have been making the rounds of any left wing media outlet that will let them say their mea culpas while laying all the blame at Mr. Bushs' feet.
Of course the president is where the buck stops, but these two rats were outspoken advocates of invading Iraq before President Bush was elected.
Mr. Perle sometimes referred to as the "prince of darkness" for his actions and demeanor, wrote a letter to then President Clinton in 1998 in which he said,"the current threat from Iraq is of such a magnitude the only acceptable strategy is one that eliminates the threat that Iraq will be able to use weapons of mass destruction." Other co-signers of this letter were Donald Rumsfeld, John Bolton,Peter Rodman,Elliott Abrams, Paul Wolfowitz,and Robert Zoellick.
These turncoats are not as the main stream leftist media describes "bearing from Bush", but rats looking for cover.
Adelmans perfidy is even worse. He wrote two articles in 2002 and 2003 tittled "Cakewalk in Iraq and Cakewalk revisited".In the article Adelman said in 2003 that "he had no doubt that we were going to find stores of weapons of mass destruction."Perle predicted in 2002 that Saddam Hussein was so weak that he believed an invasion would remove him from power within weeks! He advocated using only 40,000 troops.
These two wealthy "johnny come lately" conservatives are not the only hypocrites. Most of both houses of Congress voted to invade Iraq. Thank God we did not have people like this when we invaded Europe or they would all be speaking German!
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