Traditionally the Jewish voter has been pulling levers and marking ballots for Democratic candidates for decades. Maybe it is part of their liberal mindset that was brought with their ancestors who arrived in this Country fleeing from persecution and prejudice.
President Roosevelt was the personification of the liberalism they believe in, and the habit has followed them for decades ever since.
But now we have a set of circumstances which are entirely different and should be of concern for those who are Jewish and plan to vote in the 2008 election for President.
In 2004 Jews voted for Democrats 75% of the votes cast by Jewish voters. In 2006 the percentage grew to 87%. The trend does not seem to support a full knowledge of the Democrats philosophy and political tendencies.
There is not a Democratic candidate for president who is not for pulling out the troops in Iraq. In fact they have introduced Bills to withhold funds for the troops unless a date is set for withdrawal of the troops.So far President Bush's veto has kept this from being the law.
No matter how one feels about the reasons why or the means by which we got into this war. The one thing that is unequivocal and positive is that if we leave the Middle East we will leave Israel alone to face the worst threat to their existence since the Holocaust!
If the Democrats get elected Israel will be alone, and no amount of pressure brought to bear on congress by the Jewish lobby will give them enough weapons to ward off the avowed destruction that awaits them.
For this reason alone, baring all others. The people who value and consider Israel a Country worth preserving must not let the Democrats get the White House and continue to control Congress.
Not just Jewish people, but people of all faiths should not vote for people who are in favor of abandoning a friend in need!
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