Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one; for when we suffer, or are exposed to the same miseries BY A GOVERNMENT, which we might expect in a country WITHOUT GOVERNMENT, our calamity is heightened by reflecting that we furnish the means by which we suffer. Thomas Paine
The media has spent more time on the arrest of a Black Studies tenured professor at Harvard, than they have on the sinking economy.
My question, that I would like to pose to Dr. Gates and those who claim he was arrested because he was Black, and not because he was abusive to the police who were responding to a call of a possible break in. Who in their right mind puts up a fuss when two people with guns on their hips ask to see some identification?
Will Gates be man enough to stop fanning the flames and tell the full story of how the police respectively did their jobs well and how he threw a hissey fit when asked for his I.D.? I highly doubt it which is why most Americans are weary of false allegations in regards to racical discrimination. Do not hold your breath for more than a second!
Any of us, no matter the color of our skin, should have been asked for our I.D. in the same situation. Any of us, having thrown a "hissey fit" instead of abiding by the policeman's request, should have been charged with disorderly conduct. What makes Gates so "above it all" that he thinks he's too good to be treated "fairly" by the police? If he has any integrity, he will go public and put an end to this big hubbub instead of sending America backwards and causing ill will across America. Be a man, Gates!
The policeman was doing his job. The law says that in the USA I must I D myself if the officer believes that I am commiting a crime, like opening a locked door without a key. I wonder how many times a black person feels that they have been singeled out because they are black, when it is the circumstance and not the color of their skin that is the issure.It sound too much like the hate sermons that were given periodically by the Reverend Wright when Obama was in a pew!
The police reports indicate that when asked to step out onto the porch to discuss the situation, Gates responded "I'll see your momma out on the porch". I wonder what course at Harvard he learned that..
Actually there are no "facts" in this case, just the contradictory words of men. We cannot assume all black professors never lie, or that all policemen never lie, or that there is no gray area in this case. For the President to assume that he knows what happened and to attempt to try this case in the press is absolutely irresponsible.
The only fact I know is that Gates is a professor at Harvard and Obama is a graduate of Harvard Law School!
The lefties continue to reveal their inner racism and demonstrate bully tactics. When will they come to their senses and realize what frauds they have become?
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