everything, it is the only thing"!
Of course Vince was a football coach, but in his mind if you put on the pads you should want and expect to win!
Unfortunately we now have a Commander in Chief of our armed forces who thinks it is perfectly all right to send our young men and women into harms way(aka war) without the objective being to attain victory!
The "meat grinder"of war has claimed 58,159 victims in Vietnam, 52,246 in Korea without a victory, and now as I said in a blog six months ago, apparently Obama wants to repeat the debacle of those two killing fields.
OBAMA has ordered 21,000 additional American troops to Afghanistan, mainly in the south where Taliban militants have made a violent comeback after a U.S.-led coalition topped them from power in late 2001. The U.S. expects 68,000 troops here by year's end, double last year's total.
When the president sends men into a war zone, peace keeping action, or United Nations police action as the Vietnam and Korean war were called. There are deaths, serious wounds to mind and body of those who are sent to fight. I think it is tantamount to dereliction of the duties of the office of POTUS, to send troops off to die unless they can be allowed to win! The words out of Obama's mouth apparently indicate that he thinks differently! As this statement illustrates:
"President Obama has put securing Afghanistan near the top of his foreign policy agenda, but "victory" in the war-torn country isn't necessarily the United States' goal, he said Thursday in a TV interview.
"I'm always worried about using the word 'victory,' because, you know, it invokes this notion of Emperor Hirohito coming down and signing a surrender to MacArthur," Obama told ABC News.
First of all, the smart and eloquent man who speaks with a silver tongue does not know that the Emperor was in his palace while the Prime Minister signed the surrender on the battleship Missouri!!
Since Obama took office 33 Americans have been killed in action. Untold number have been wounded, since the media no longer reports the statistics.But it appears 4330 brave troops have been killed in a valiant effort to win a victory over the Taliban.However, their commander in chief thinks it is not important!
Not only has the CIC said victory is not his objective, but apparently his commander in the field is more concerned with "collateral damage" than winning at all costs. He said this recently.
"We must avoid the trap of winning tactical victories - but suffering strategic defeats - by causing civilian casualties or excessive damage and thus alienating the people," McChrystal said in a recent statement.
Once again I want to state that it is criminal to send men to war unless you allow them to win!!
1 comment:
I guess Obama believes that if we teach them to grow wheat and grapes on their farms he can consider this success. This article excerpt from the LA Times shows what the military is doing for farmers.n a country where 80% of working-age males are small-scale farmers, such a program might seem central to the rebuilding effort. Yet the U.S. military has just 350 agricultural specialists in a country of 31 million, covering nine of 34 provinces.
Using military discretionary funds, Jones' team operates in an obscure corner separate from America's civilian-funded reconstruction effort, which since 2001 has cost $7.9 billion.
For years, the United States has focused on eradicating opium poppies, by far Afghanistan's leading cash crop and foreign currency earner. Help for millions of subsistence farmers growing wheat, corn and other staples has been a lower priority.
The eradication program, called "a sad joke" by the director of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, did nothing to prevent skyrocketing opium production after the fall of the Taliban regime in 2001.
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