Monday, June 25, 2007


Despite denials by U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. The President appears to be seriously considering appointing Tony Blair to the position of Special Envoy to the Middle East Quartet for Palestinian governance.
This blogger believes Mr. Blair would be an excellent choice for the same reasons that many European liberals don't want to see him appointed.
He is close to President Bush and feels the imminentt threat of Radical Islam as keenly as our President.
The liberals in this County and those of like political persuasion seem to believe they can indulge In the hopeful fantasy that diplomatic negotiations will make the Islamo-fascist worldwide problem go away. These kind of dreams will only lead to nightmares!

The following excerpt was taken from the on-line pages of Der Spiegel today:
"I cannot imagine that Blair, as one of the main players in the Iraq war, would be able to win confidence in the Middle East," Martin Schulz, chairman of the Socialist Group in the European Parliament, told DER SPIEGEL. The EU's foreign policy chief Javier Solana was also surprised by the suggestion and is skeptical about Blair's nomination.

The key words in the paragraph are "chairman of the Socialist Group".
The Socialists, and leftist movement by any other name, here in the U.S. and Europe want to see the Palestinians win and the Israelis loose as much as they want the U.S. to loose in Iraq by withdrawing our troops before the job of eliminating terrorists and restoring peace, law and order can be accomplished.
For this very reason all Conservatives and not so conservative peoples who don't want Islamo-fascism to spread its tenacles over our free society will support the President if he chooses Tony Blair.

Who cares what Countries think about Our Presidents selection that followed Hitler (Germany) or despite our saving them in two wars that they had failed to defend themselves,and seem to dislike everything American (France).

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