This Candidate for President feels he would rather explain how he feels he can make America a better Country than to wear the symbol of this Country on his suit coat lapel.
I believe this is a demonstration of his lame attempt to court anti-war voters away from Senator Clinton, and shows a distinct lack of appreciation for all those men and women who fought and died for the right to display that flag in a free Country.
Everyone should know that the caskets of every brave hero who died for this Country is covered by the American flag before the burial takes place. Soldier, Sailors, Marines, Air Force, Cost Guard, Fireman and Policeman who die in the line of duty have a flag covering their casket which is given to a member of the family at the grave site in honor of their brave and appreciated sacrifice.
Now this "johnny come lately" comes along asking the American people to make him their President. I think not!
No matter what his upbringing includes. He should have an allegiance to the Flag for which we fight and die for. To put his opinions on how to run this Country on the same level as the American flag is the heights of pomposity.
Most of his ideas as expressed on the campaign trail are Socialist, not American values, so I guess I should not be surprised that he refuses to wear the flag pin proudly.
If he won't wear the flag pin for the war effort. He should wear it as a testimonial to the bravery and sacrifice of the Police and Fireman who died in the 9/11 attack by Al Qaeda in New York!
This man may be showing the affects of his Muslim training as a youth or the anti-American preaching of his Black Separatist Ministers preaching in his Chicago home town. No one will ever know what is deep in his mind, but I know one thing. He has no business running for President of the United States if he is not willing to wear a flag pin on his lapel. I hope every veteran, no matter what color of his skin, realizes the apparent affront he demonstrates to their service to Our Country, and to the flag that they all wore proudly on their shoulder patch.
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