The looting and killing of civilians in Iraq should have been stopped by now. After the statue of Saddam fell if the U.S. military had begun immediately to shoot looters on sight and and declared marshal. Law order would have been established.
Carpet bombing the roads from Syria and Iran would have closed the Syrian and Iranian borders to stop foreign terrorist infiltration. The outcry from Europeans and our Media would have arisen immediately. Accusations would follow that we were too brutal and were gunning down poor and hungry people.
But wars involve killing people, and those who won't kill before they are killed will never win at war!
We may have forgotten that one of the reasons for the speed of the American advance and then the sudden rush to stop military operations - as was true in the first Gulf War - was the enormous criticism leveled by the Europeans at the Americans for going to war in the first place, and the constant litany, that began almost immediately, of American abuses involving excessive force. Shooting looters may have restored order, but it also would have been enshrined as an "Abu-Ghraib-like" crime.
The Media would have shown a photo of a dead poor "hungry" Iraqi. It would have been broadcast globally as an unarmed victim of American barbarism.
We can imagine charges of more "Highway of Death" outrage had we bombed concentrations of foreign terrorists pouring in from Iran or from Syria., whom the Media would report were going to "weddings" and "festivals" in Iraq.
Throughout this "Surgical" war, the military has been been between a rock and a hard place. Don't shoot and you are accused of not doing your duty and allowing lawlessness to spread; shoot and you are immediately slandered by Media pundits as a sort of rogue LAPD in camouflage. You may even be made an example of in a Courts Martial filled with "PC" military judges.
We hear only of the deliberately exaggerated reports of "Iraqi civilian losses" - without any explanation that almost all the Iraqi dead are either (1) victims of the terrorists, (2) Iraqi security forces trying to defend the innocent against the terrorists, or (3) the terrorists themselves.
Our efforts to save civilians during the war, left Iraqi civilians of today endangered by the Muslim death squads of both Shiite and Sunni groups.
The same thing happened in Vietnam, on a massive scale, because in that case the U.S. didn't merely pull its punches, it pulled its military forces out entirely. Per Larry Elder
Our withdrawal, however, gave the Vietnamese armies under Ho Chi Minh free rein to overrun South Vietnam - raping, pillaging, plundering, impoverishing, imprisoning, torturing and slaughtering hundreds of thousands of civilians. It also gave the Pol Pot regime an opportunity to wage the greatest genocide since Stalins purge in the USSR. Millions were killed, and the same thing will happen if the Democrats have their way in Iraq.
1 comment:
A Socialist is nothing,more or less, than an insincere individual who promises the simple people, who don't think for themselves, that they will solve all their problems like Robin Hood did in similar fashion,only,today, they steal from both the rich and the poor with all kinds of false hopes created by their inveterate lies.Every socialist country has been a failure due to a bloated bureaucracy with Cinderella like pipe dreams by these fools.The existing Democrats are mostly clones of their socialist predecessors who are repeating the same worn out maxims of Stalinism.If Joe Blow American will put his beer down long enough to figure a rat is in the kitchen and get off his rear end and vote these villains out of office,this country could be saved from totalitarianism with total control of our lives by big brother,the feds.The beer will have to get warm first and foremost to apparently rid this menace from our country.Indifference is going to be our downfall if the masses fail to get a wake up call and vote for these charlatans.
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