In my previous blog posting I described what I believe Senator H.Clinton has put forward in her plans for her administration if she, only heaven can help us if she does, makes it to the Oval Office. The plans she has outlined could well have been drawn up by Lenin and Trotsky.
Now we have her closest competitor Senator Obama proposing more of the same socialistic programs.
In a speech over the weekend he had the following to say:
"I call for improving fuel efficiency. My plan is for the government to pay ten percent of domestic automakers’ health care costs for retired workers, allowing them to put that money into research and development of more fuel-efficient vehicles."
Other tax incentives Obama proposed would allow for recalibrating factories to produce more hybrid vehicles. The price tag for such a program would run $20 billion over ten years.
This proposal departs from Obama’s earlier promotion of coal-to-liquid technology, which runs afoul of environmentalists because of the high level of carbon dioxide resulting from the conversion of coal to liquid fuel. Rather than support the pursuit of new fuel technologies, Obama has decided to play it safe with his liberal supporters by offering yet another government cure-all instead of letting market forces drive innovation.
While the Senator proposes more government involvement in private enterprise to court Union voters, the President is attempting to get some traction in Congress for the drilling for oil off shore and in ANWAR wilderness to develop independence from the increasingly hostile Middle East and Venezuela.
He addressed tho oil independence yesterday and again today during a televised press conference:
President Bush introduced a plan that would expand drilling to include the Gulf of Mexico, as well as the coasts of Alaska and Virginia. Predictably, environmentalists will fight this every step of the way, but realistic folks who want true energy independence will have a tough time saying no to 86 billion barrels of oil and 420 trillion cubic feet of natural gas.
The President talks of expanding our economic independence, and both Hillary and Obama talk of ever increasing socialistic programs that will eventually destroy our Free Enterprise Private Sector by increasing government programs that require more government employees and more tax dollars if voters don't stop them at the polls in 2008!
1 comment:
Your blog about Hillary Clinton on Mother's Day should be a reminder to all good Mothers in our country that this advocate of abortion and the education of their young children by state run centers was also the author of a sick book about it takes a village to raise your child.She is one of your quintessential feminst, marixst thinking women with no regard for the real Mothers of America who are against killing the unborn child, and are for raising their own children without interferance and control by the state, like the Communists and Nazis did in their mind altering programs.She represents a small but powerful group of wealthy feministas who are self seeking,self serving liars,and she doesn't represent or really care about the great majority of American women.She represents a left wing party intent on making this country a welfare state relying on the elitists in Washington with the zeal to control every facet of our lives.
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