Please pray for our Patriot Armed Forces standing in harm’s way around the world, and for their families, especially those of our fallen Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen, who have died in defense of American liberty while prosecuting the war with Jihadistan.
This prayer becomes more important and appropriate every passing day. With the Congressional Democrats and some "Rinos" paying more attention to groups like "CODE PINK" than they do to giving 100% support to our troops. The future for our patriot troops becomes more grave each day.
The anti-war push is sadly familiar to this blogger who witnessed the loss of the Vietnam war because of opposition at home not because we were loosing on the battle field.
With the fairness doctrine being pushed in Congress again the days of freedom to utter conservative philosophy is threatened more than ever before in the history in our Country.
If we are left with only the Media and papers like the New York Times and Washington Post for our news. The Country will gradually loose any pretense of Conservative ideology and thought.
For example of the Leftist activism that is behind the push to get our troops out of Iraq. You need look no further than Code Pink.
This leftist feminist organisation, dedicated to taking the money away from the troops and spend it on more welfare, was founded in 2001 by radical activist Jodie Evans and Diane Wilson.
The history of these two woman who have managed to spread their organization world wide with 250 active local groups,many located on college campuses.
Jodie Evans a Democrat fund raiser for years, was part of the team that promoted Jerry Brown, and her co-founder is a practicing Wicca.
For those not familiar with the word Wicca. It is a "religion based on feminist belief in witchcraft!
The Wiccans have an estimated 134,000 members in the United States.
For more information go to Wikapedia .com.
These feminists are not satisfied to concentrate on stopping war. They have done other notable things like starting a drive to impeach President Bush, and making a visit with Cindy Sheehan to Venezuela to have a meet with that great defender of freedom Hugo Chavez.
This despot donated one million dollars to Al Qaeda and the Taliban in September of 2001. This donation was given after New York was attacked by Al Qaeda on 9/11!
Thomas Jefferson said: "people get the government they deserve,"
If Americans continue to follow groups like Code Pink we will certainly loose our Republic to the Islamist/ Marxist movement that is funding and advocating policies like those of Code Pink!
Bill,we will be dead, but these globalist thinking leaders which our dumbed down masses have put in office in Washington reminds me of the French peasants ineptly trying to run their country after the great French Revolution which murdered those who knew how to lead the peasants.Their pettiness,greed,and flawed thinking has led France through three centuries of miserable socialism.Russia did the same thing,and now our Robin Hood, relativistic politicians are about to set this country back three hundred years, if not forever, with their peasant thinking.These dimwitted half thinkers have already sold out our National interests to foreign countries but now they want to ice the cake by giving financial resources to millions who have violated the law by illegal entry into this country and reward these criminal lawbreakers with the American taxpayers money.The audacity and arrogance of these politicians who boldly stand on the podium and extoll the virtues of lawlessness, and legislate punitive laws protecting these criminals and paying them funds in a financially broken,morally decayed country.A sick display of communist thinking,and our stupid news media has turned their attention to another communist coup going on in Venezuela where their people realized too late their demise by a ruthless Stalinist.We are getting to that point,despite the ostriches heads in the sand with denial by fools.
These traitors calling themselves Americans are nothing more than cowards who pay goons for their protection.
For example,the new senator from Virginia having a thug try to get through security at the senate office building with a concealed, loaded weapon, and he is given the nod of approval by his fellow socialists who yapped on about their need for extra security,etc.,etc.
Forget the fact that another arrogant, liberal schlock flaunts the law and again goes scott free which apparently means all the laws are just for control of the peons.
The think not,reckless spending,left wing, anti war, activist cowards are exempt from the laws they legislate to screw American citizens out of their few remaining freedoms.
Now, they have our military negotiating with terrorist killers in Iraq to surrender to a rag tag bunch of suicidal goof balls who couldn't win any war without being aided and abetted from day one by our femininist driven politicans sitting in Washington.
If our military didn't have their hands tied behind their backs by these sons and daughters of their draft dodging parents of the 60's,this war would have been victorious for the citizens of this country who still love America.
These cowards can thank themselves and be extra proud(not) of the United States giving in to a terrorist gang of thugs just like their Daddys and Mommys forced America's loss in Vietnam.
They also can be proud of causing so many American Boys deaths by their cowardice.
Yes,these hate America fools even tossed aside their favorite scapegoat of this "war",Cindy Sheehan after they chewed her up and spit her out as no longer needed in their onslaught against the war in Iraq.
These anti-war leftists promised her everything and she went home flat broke after these anti-American activists had used her like the whore of babylon.
But,they have better things to do than defend America's freedom such as pressing for more legislation for the Gay activists,fighting immorally caused Aids world wide,protecting the environment by wasting billions on the phony lie of global warming,legislating free immigration to illegal aliens with the blessings of Amnesty and our taxpayers money,increased funding for abortions,birth control,and even more money for other failed social programs.
These fools press on into sure oblivion for our once great country with no apparent consciousness of their deceit and definitely no conscience for such disgraceful behavior.
Is it any wonder our prisons can't be built fast enough and crime is out of control.With post modern relativists acting like immature children instead of role models,this country is slipping fast on a sure road to a country of barbarians just like those countries we have surrendered to the lie that it comes about through negotiation and the good will of both sides.I guess this is expected when our so called respected citizens, daily, are arrested or caught violating the laws and say "I am sorry,that was a mistake on my part" and go free with no front page headlines which would savagely attack a non leftist for the same "mistake".Too many kings and queens prancing around Washington ,all suffering a delusion that will sadly turn out to be one sick pipedream.It isn't hollering God save the queen or the king,but definitely it is God save us from total oblivion by such self serving cowards.
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