If you get beyond the rhetoric about illegals becoming legals, the need to make 12-20 million illegals documented not undocumented workers. You will discover that the Senate bill S.2611 as proposed is nothing but a "great Robbery" of the American taxpayer.
The source I used to make this charge is the governments "COB" itself.
The 760 page long Amnesty bill is "wolf in sheep's clothing" at the very least!
The Congressional budget office estimates that direct spending by the federal government from 2007 to 2011 will cost between 13 billion dollars and 54 billion dollars. That is a rather large range of costs! But the COB explains the reason for it at the end of their report. They conclude that "many of the effects are unclear, particularly in the effect on the labor market. But they do estimate that he labor market will have to absorb 3.4 million more workers.
I wonder if they assume all 7.6 million others granted amnesty will be added to Our welfare roles?
The report estimates that government mandates that will apply o the new illegal-legals will cost the states and local governments 30 million to 85 million dollars to comply with this law in just the first year.
The verification process that S.2611 mandates for employers who hire the new legal immigrants under provisions of "UMRA" will cost employers at least 128million dollars in "one of the first five years after the bill is passed."
The negative impact on the already overspent social programs is nearly inestimable, but COB estimates that the new"legals" impact on social security, medicaid, Medicare, food stamps, supplemental security income unemployment benefits and student loans will cost 54 billion dollars by 2016!
For all this largess the American taxpayer gets a fourteen mile fence in San Diego County from the pacific ocean to the 14 mile termination. Not much protection, and this blogger believes it is like building a bridge that goes nowhere!
If this betrayal of the American Public passes the Senate there are members of the House like Rep. Ellison who want to add even more burden to the taxpayer by including funding for "job training".
Since most can't speak English there would be additional costs to hire bi-lingual teachers for these "new Legal" citizens.
Rep.Diane Watson (Dem. Ca.) thinks including a mandate that immigrants lean to speak English is unfair.
It is a little known fact that politicians running for political office in Mexico travel to Los Angles, Tucson, Phoenix and Fresno to campaign for votes from the over 22-24 million Mexicans living in the United States.So much for assimilation!
If this dastardly attempt to burden the already over taxed American public becomes law. Every one who votes for it should be voted against the next time they stand for election.
Unlimited immigration has destroyed France and Spain, and is causing problems in England and Germany. If we allow it to happen here we deserve and will get the same fate!
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