Early last week the Governor of New Mexico, Bill Richardson, announced he was officially running for the Democrat party nomination for the office of President of the United States.
The same week the sheriff of the city he presides overin New Mexico, Santa Fe,the sheriff announced that they would be hiring Mexican Nationals for their Capitol police force!
You read it correctly, not legal Mexican Americans, but Mexican citizens.
In this way, the new Mexican (not US) police officers can ensure that illegal immigrants are given the special privileges the anarchistic hordes have decided they deserve. And, New Mexico has begun the secession from the US, in order to no longer have to adhere to its pesky laws.
Considering US Senators and Congressional members’ penchant for flouting any and all US immigration laws, why shouldn't’t individual states begin doing the same? Santa Fe Police Sgt. Marvin Paulk reinforced the “we don’t need no stinkin’ immigration laws” attitude, when he stated: “I know that there are state and federal laws that prohibit hiring officers who aren't U.S. citizens, but I think that we should consider the possibility of changing these rules!"
Why not? Our "Conservative President made sure that a provision placed within the most recent iteration of the Immigration Bill, drafted by Senator Kennedy, was removed. This provision would have required that illegals had to pay back taxes before they were granted their amnesty papers for U.S. citizenship.
The reason the White House gave for his insistence for the removal was it would be too difficult to determine who owed back taxes.?
I guess he forgot about the tens of thousands of public employees who "work" to make sure the rest of us legal 250 million pay the taxes that are due. The strain of 12-20 million more would be too much for these poor over worked public employees!
On this Memorial Day weekend when most Americans remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice to defend and protect Our Constitution. It appears too many of our public officials are making a mockery of their sacrifice. Shame on them!
1 comment:
"It would be too difficult to determine who owed back taxes".I couldn't believe this statement wasn't twisted by some psycho jounalist to make the reason for not requiring Illegal Mexicans to pay taxes a ludicrous one.But then I realized the whole dirty game played, for years, on honest American tax paying citizens who will pay stiff fines,penalties,and could end up in prison for willfully avoiding or refusing to pay taxes.There is no difficulty in tracking the American citizen down because he has a social security number and his employer has multiple govt.forms to fill out and file, as mandated by law.However,Illegals are just what the word says, and means- Illegal, in case you have been led to believe otherwise.These "coyotes" as these illegal Mexicans are called by the local police and the local citizens in the border states where these hordes of illiterate poor are crossing into this country to do illegal,not reported(in the majority of cases)labor which is way below the minimum wage which,by the way,is a Federal Law which supposedly not abided by the empoyer reults in heavy fines and possible jail time.Usually,the Mexican illegals pay consists of overcrowded and unsanitary housing,a little unreported cash, and beer which is a staple and cheap way of keeping them happy for their sunup until sundown cheap labor.American slaves,received better living conditions in their miserable days of servitude than a lot of these Illegal Mexicans.So,all this phony rhetoric coming out of Washington about not being able to track the Mexican Illegals is partly true,but it fails to mention these illegals are grossly underpaid in unreported cash while serving the well heeled Americans doing maid work,gardening and baby sitting.They are also employed working as laborers in oil fields,construction jobs,agricultural jobs,and hundreds of other areas where their selfish employers violate the tax laws by underpaying these poor people to make more profit for themselves and cheat the govt.out of taxes.The Federal Government is well aware of this violation of the laws but pretends not to be aware to avoid embarrassment by members of our govt.who are complicit with this illegal robbery of the American taxpayer by exploiting and hiding these illegal Mexicans.Amnesty H..l.All illegals should be rounded up and dep[orted and all American citizens who have hired these people should go to jail in addition to stiff fines, and this should include those "sacrosanct" politicians who get very wealthy supporting these thug employers.That would quickly solve a serious problem,but the foxes in the hen houses are right there in our Congress of the U.S.playing "footsie"with the thugs and now are yammering about granting amnesty,citizenship,Blah,Blah,Blah ad nauseum to try and cover their compicity in this illegal immigration.A country led by poor ethical practices will meet its demise by these same immoral acts they are supporting.
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