There was no mention in the liberal press in the United States about this issue, but an obscure article in the January 31, 2008 issue of the Moscow Times web page tells a frightening story.
The Russian Military Leaders believe there is a real risk that terrorists could lay their hands on weapons of mass destruction in the near or immediate future. To counter this, the alliance "may consider suppressing the enemy with nuclear weapons.
Under the 2000 doctrine, Russia is ready to use nuclear weapons not only in retaliation against a nuclear attack, as was previously the case, but in response to "a large-scale conventional aggression in a situation critical for the national security of the Russian Federation and it's allies!Though the report is likely to cause controversy in NATO countries, the authors appear to be merely echoing an idea originally broached by Russian Chief of General Staff Yuri Baluyevsky. Speaking at a meeting of the Academy of Military Sciences on January 19, "Gen. Baluyevsky declared that force should be used not only in the course of hostilities, but also to demonstrate the readiness of leaders to uphold their national interests".
"We are not going to attack anyone," he reassured his audience, "but we want all our partners to realize that Russia will use armed force to defend its own and its allies' sovereignty and territorial integrity. It may resort to a pre-emptive nuclear strike in cases specified by its doctrine."
If Baluyevsky's words are heeded, Russia will have to equip all their armed services with permanently combat-ready nuclear weapons. It is any body's guess who will use them first"
If you believe the words of General Baluyevsky, you have to wonder what kind of security the USA would have if Russia should revert to the war-like power it was during the cold war, and we had a President who believes we can talk our way through all threats?. Obama is the person to whom I am referring.
For once I agree with Chris Matthews. The following is a quote from the friday Morning Joe show on MSNBC, 3/24/08: MATTHEWS: "I loved the speech by Barack Obama. I -- I get emotional when I watch these -- I mean, he gets to me. I think his statement as an American is extraordinary, it's powerful, and it's so necessary, and I -- I do think it's a Rorschach test for Americans. It's not a race test. It's a test about sensibility. And some of us are amazingly, um, um, taken by that kind of message, and others are not. It's just -- it's in our, uh, DNA, I suppose. Some people are cold to it. They don't like it. People like Rush Limbaugh, people I get along with but they just have a different sensibility. They have a different reaction to, uh, Barack Obama than -- than I do. I just do".
Yes, Mr. Matthews, it is a test, and if the American people select a pacifist over a proven warrior, it will prove Americans have lost their collective minds!
1 comment:
I just returned from Huntsville and I saw your Email from about 3 weeks ago regarding some quasi intellectual liberal who presents the same,worn out screed about war is the last resort,talking about resolving political issues with treaties is the way to go etc.,etc.
It is this flawed mentality of these left wing liberals that we have reached a state of vulnerability to our enemies in this country.
The so called liberal is usually a comfortable,warm and fuzzy feeling nutcase that screams loudly and irrationally about strength through diplomacy.This is political hogwash baing shoved down the throats of all gullible Americans by shills for Islamo-Fascism.You cannot deal with fanatical state run religions that refuse to accept anything but their cradle to the grave exhortation of the conversion of the population of the world to Islam by force.
Yes, these liberal cretins have forgotten Hitler,Stalin,Mao,Pol Pot,etc.and their diplomatic promises which were all in their favor and resulted in the slaughter of millions of people.DejaVu is happening again in the Middle East with many Islamic Countries and in Asia.
It is not a question of averting war by diplomacy with these rogue nations but a question of being willing to sacrifice some of our creature comforts by stopping militarily these meciless murderers now while they still are in the process of relentlessly developing the ability to strike this country.
This liberal apparently is unaware of past history or is in total denial of the real picture.The old liberal idea of sitting on your hands and wishing serious problems away is sheer folly of total immaturity and cowardice.This happens to be the Nuclear Age and not the guns and roses age the liberals imagine they are living in which allows time to talk.Sorry but you are drinking from the sewer of knowledge and not the tree of knowledge.
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