It would appear to this blogger that the "hippies and anti-war leftists in the United States want to make the Iraq war the political equivalent of Watergate.
Richard Millhouse Nixon was elected by a 1% majority vote as the 37Th President of the United States in 1968 using the "battle cry" of awakening the Silent Majority who detested the anti-American rhetoric of the Press and street protesters who helped bring defeat to American forces for the first time in History.
It is my opinion that they were determined to bring down Nixon long before he made the stupid mistake of not burning the oval office tapes.His career leading to his being elected twice as Vice-President and twice as President was one of exposing and fighting foes of America--Communists in government.
His investigation into the Communist involvement of State Department advisor to President Roosevelt at Yalta, Alger Hiss, lead to Hiss being jailed for perjury when asked if he was a Communist.
Long before this, he was elected in 1946 to his first term as a member of Congress, when he charged that Congressman Voorhis was "in Bed" with the California Communist dominated unions. This began a long career of anti-Communist activities by Nixon. Particularly as it involved members of government agencies.Thus the Leftist knives were being sharpened to "do in" Nixon long before Watergate.
It would appear that the now grown up "hippies" and anti-Vietnam war ilk have grown into the politicians, media persons, and academia that are determined to bring down President Bush.
Both men are known for their religious convictions. Nixon a Quaker from Whittier,California and Bush a Evangelical Christian from Texas who has been described by Boston Globe writer, Alan Jacobs "an intellectually mongrel"! Thus we see the connection between these two men who were and are hated by the Secular Humanists of this Country.
The one man in the Senate who has the B**ls to stand up to those in Congress who want to bring down the President by using the Iraq war as their whipping boy had this to say. “There is a very strong group within the party that I think doesn’t take the threat of Islamist terrorism seriously enough.” Lieberman says he is annoyed by the mudslinging on Capitol Hill and Democrats’ unwillingness to work with President Bush. But his critics say he has contributed to that polarization by his rhetoric and refusal to compel Bush to find a new way forward in Iraq. As Lieberman sees it, however, the Democratic Party has slipped away from its “most important and successful times” of the middle of last century, where it was tough on Communism and progressive on domestic policy. “I fear that some people take this position also because anything President Bush is for, they’ll be against, and that’s wrong,” said Lieberman, a staunch advocate of the war. “There’s a great tradition in our history of partisanship generally receding when it comes to foreign policy. But for the moment we’ve lost that.”
America needs the silent majority to awaken to the threat we face by abandoning the fight in Iraq. There will not be "A peace with Honor" if we turn tail and run home to momma!
1 comment:
Hippies,Yuppies and Generation-X newcomers are the majority of the present day Anti-American politicians and mainstream news media in Washington, and around the country.These,for the most part, leftist educated, wealthy men and women are for Marxist type control of America with their self serving pied piper ideas that will only lead us to an implosion from within.Joe Lieberman,who was ousted from the Democratic ranks by just such left wing socialist Democrats, is a true American with the ethical integrity necessary to successfully lead this country as a God loving American who won't coddle the enemy.If Americans were wise,they would plainly see that this true American would make a great President of the United States who would stand tall for America against all enemies from within and from without our country.He has many liberal philosophies but none are for the rewriting of the United States Constitution and replacing it with a Godless Marxist Manifesto which is all I see,hear,and read daily which describes most of the misinformed candidates for the most important position in America which has been tarnished by some previous office holders who made a mockery of the office.George W.Bush has upheld the honor of that high position and Joe Lieberman would also be one of few who would maintain the integrity of that office.
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