The Institute article further claims that the political argument made by proponents of "amnesty" that these Mexicans are fleeing an impoverished country for a better life , are misrepresenting the facts at the very least. Mexico is no third world country. It has industrialization, urbanization and a one trillion dollar economy with a comparable personal income with Russia. Russian per cap income is $9700 and Mexico has $9000 per capita income. This seems rather meager except when you compare the PCI of Cameroon at $400 per capita income!
In 1996 Congress voted to double the US border patrol agents to 10,000 and Mandated that fences be built at the most heavily trafficked areas between Mexico and The US. Also in 1996 President Clinton signed a bill passed by both houses of Congress that cut off all federal and state benefits to illegals except emergency medical care, immunization of children and disaster relief. These laws are apparently not stemming the tide of illegals. The problem is LACK OF ENFORCEMENT!
Another "Wrong Headed" program has apparently taken roots in Southern Wisconsin. The school board in Waukesha County has approved a plan by the Hadfield school district to separate their Spanish speaking students into a separate room for Spanish speaking only classes. The Principle. Ms. Stacy McCoy sees this as a positive step in the education of these children. "They now can receive their education curriculum in their native language and learn English in the lunchroom and the playground! What a "crock"! They hope to eventually have room enough to do this for all grades K through 6th. These kids can enter junior high with little knowledge of English. How can we hope to avoid "balkanization" and accomplish assimilation of these children if the kids are placed in a separate room to allow them to perpetuate their ignorance of the language of their adopted country? Don't these teachers and administrators realize the best time to learn a foreign language is as a child. For this reason many parents buy expensive audio programs to expose their children to a foreign language before they even enter school? When these kids reach junior high and high school it will be to late! The international language of American technology is English. What these politically correct imbecile are doing is condemning a whole classroom of Hispanics to menial labor in the fields or cutting grass!
What will these same knuckle heads do when the school population is engulfed with Iranians, Iraquis, Russians, or Koreans as has happened in California. Set up seperate rooms for them. I guess we are back to "seperate but equal" in Waukesha County!