Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Looking for Legal Precedent?

Amidst the hundreds of articles written in the past few weeks about the illegal immigrant problem, the is one very important issue being overlooked. Perhaps it is being "ignored" by the Media for their personal leftist bias.
Yesterdays protest pictures show demonstrators waving signs that say, "Today we march
tomorrow we vote." To me this is the most threatening aspect of the demands being put forward by those who march and advocate "amnesty" for the 12 million illegal immigrants.
No amount of sugar coating or appeals to "Our" sense of compassion will mask the fact that what we have before us is an attempt to turn the constitution on end and shake it up so that all the rights of legal United States citizens will be granted to people who have broken the law and become residents of The United States.
If "amnesty" is granted to these people they will be legal residents of our Country with all the rights and privileges that a legal citizen is entitled to.
Some will say this is the only way to solve the problem. It is logistically impossible to round all the illegals up and ship them back to whence they came from.
This is probably true, but once Congress and the President grant amnesty to these people. Does this not set a legal precedent for all illegals who will certainly pour over our borders if this travesty is allowed to happen.
I can see it now the first place an immigrant, now no longer considered illegal by precedent, coming through our porous borders will head straight for the nearest voting precinct or auto license bureau to register. Those on the left side of the Congressional aisle, and all those leftist advocates of this amnesty push, will have accomplished their goal. A further shift toward a "socialized" America with less emphasis on the rule of law. Do we really want to let this happen? Or will we run to the polls in November and throw the "buggers" out who buy into amnesty for illegals!