In this country the ecologists have dominated both the dialog and the politics of our energy policy. For too long we have been bombarded with the threat that we should conserve our oil and gas because there is a limited supply. While we sheepishly follow the policies of conservation the countries that give only lip service to any of our policies. China and Russia are gradually increasing their ability to obtain and utilize more oil. Russia cotinually adds to their supply at home. The communist Chinese have completed their trek around Africa and the middle east where they made agreements with Cuba, Kenya, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the Sudan to either drill for oil as in their deal with Castro Cuba or pledged to purchase billions of dollars worth of crude oil. In the Sudan they invested 8 billion dollars. The amount pledged for oil with Iran was 70 billion dollars,this money will probably go to nuclear enrichment. CNOOP, the Chinese state controlled oil company, paid 2.3 billion $ for a 45% stake in a Nigerian oil field. All of this compared with the U.S.A. who has not built a new refinery or drilled any new wells to decrease our dependence on OPEC oil for over 20 years.
To make our situation even worse. With the ecologists calling the shots here in our Congress. Is the recent revelation by Abdalla S. Jumah, president of ARAMCO. In a speech printed in Arab newspapers., which you can bet your last dollar will not appear in ours. Jumah said the estimates that have been made about oil reserves is incorrect. He says the oil producing world( mostly OPEC) has in the ground 4.5 trillion barrel of crude oil. Enough to supply current world demand for 140 years! Ecologists lie, and congress is spineless to confront them. The result is we will continue to be a country more and more dependent on foreign oil when we have more than enough in ANWAR and 1oo miles offshore in the gulf. How will we defend ourselves in 10-20 years if our suppliers are all friends of our enemies. We could develop more nuclear power plants, but they are off limits also. The fact that crude oil has dropped 12 dollars a barrel since July should demonstrate to all how dependent we are on events not under our control. Wake up America and tell the "tree hugger" to get lost and start developing more capacity and sources of supply. Our way of life depends upon it. And no corn fed car will save us!
The ecologists of today are like most of the other professions of fools feeding us lies and false prophesies like they possess some kind of inspirational thought processes.They, like other professions, are nothing more than carnival hucksters.The disgusting thing is our pompous elitists in our Congress believe such tripe because they haven't a clue,most of them,about anything except wasting taxpayers money and acting like immature little spoiled brats.
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