Tuesday, October 10, 2006


The travesty that is happening in an Iraq court room where the trial of Saddam Hussein drags on is more circus than trial.At least four times in the recent months Saddam has caused such a disruption that the judge has removed him and the court has been recessed.
during this approximate time span 14 American servicemen have been tried, found guilty and sentenced. Their convictions were for contributing to the death of an Iraqi. Their sentences range from life in prison at hard labor to dishonorable discharge. Meanwhile the man known for committing genocide against the Kurds with poison gas, and the torture and murder of only God knows how many of his own populace , is making a circus out of what should be a speedy trial for this "killer".
How long will this charade go on? The longer it lasts the more embolden his supports become. The "butcher of Baghdad" should have been convicted and sentenced long ago.Yet the media in the U.S. never mentions this in their reports. If only they were as concerned about a speedy trial for this international criminal as they are those involved in abu grab prison incident!

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