Senator Feingold has once again bared his teeth showing his hatred for President Bush and all he stands for.
A Senator whom Wisconsin voters keep sending to Washington reminds me once again why I was glad to leave the state of my birth over 50 years ago. The middle west was once the conservative home to dairy farmers, brewers and cheese makers who loved their Country and their religious beliefs. Today they send a man to the U.S. Senate who supports same sex marriage, voted the only "nay" in 2002 when the Senate approved the 2001 Patriot Act, and was one of ten liberals to vote against renewal in 2006. This authorization has helped track and prevent untold numbers of terrorist acts from being perpetrated in the United States.
The Senator, who received a score of 98 of a possible 100 from the Americans for Democratic Action, a leftist organization, has now introduced a bill of Censure against President Bush. His four supporters of which only three agreed to be co-signers are well known leftist Senator Boxer, J. Kerry, Harkin and Leahy.He tried the Censure in 2006, but gained no support.
His animus for the Iraq war is long standing. He voted with 22 other Democrats to not grant President Bush the authorization to wage war against Saddam's regime in 2002. He has been a source of comfort to Bin Lauden and Al Qaeda by opposing the war publicly ever since it began. While advocating a universal health plan for the United States similar in design to that of Canada.
This Phi Beta Kappa and Rhodes scholar is not stupid. He is a bright and hateful man who will do anything to hurt President Bush.But in doing so he also ignores the fact that he gives aid and comfort to the enemy. The Islamists will kill him first if they ever get a chance, because of his refractory nature!
1 comment:
It is a shame that voters are stupid enough to be slobbered on and vote for hypocritical would be deities like such foolish people as Feingold.Please note I have no respect,nata,for this man who is,in my opinion,not worthy of the name United States Senator when he has a left wing, liberal record against American Sovereignty since he pathetically went to Washington with his markedly Socialist agenda.Now,again, this ultra liberal socialist has called for the censure of a real American,our Commander-in- Chief and the top man in our government, President George W. Bush.This supposed Rhodes Scholar may have lots of aquired ,learned education,but like many highly intelligent screwballs,he has practically no common sense,an intelligence which is not learned from books or associates.This intelligence is God given, common sense which this liberal has very little,if any, when trying to use his higher education sensibly.The news media in his home state, as in most states, is almost purely socialistic and has influenced the voters not to do their own thinking.It is shameful that people with his beliefs are not impeached for subversively undermining our country by calling for censure of our President and openly voting for the ongoing terrorism in this country by voting against everything positive in our War against Moslem terrorism both here and abroad.
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