In their almost traitorous effort to recapture the White House. The leaders in the House and Senate have been proclaiming for many months that either the war is already lost or that our forces are unable to obtain a victory, and the only option is immediate withdrawal.
The remote possibility of victory over the forces of radical Islamic terrorism is not even a considered option by the megalomaniacs hoping to win the control of the complete government in 2008.
The quest for power by the Democrats has been aided by a complicit Media, which has for six years highlighted everything done by or for the Bush Administration as a failure.
People like Congressman Murtha who claim that the genocide that will surely follow an American withdrawal will not be our fault, but the Iraqi's. Is a classic example of the twisted thinking that lead to the murder of unknown thousands, perhaps millions of Cambodians and Vietnamese, in the aftermath of our surrender in Vietnam.
He was a war hero, but he left his conscience in Vietnam it would appear.
If we abandon a fight that we didn't start, but one we entered into after the alQaeda attacked New York on 9/11. We will become an impotent nation that is no longer feared or respected by any tyrant who chooses to attack us.
1 comment:
The tragic thing is the majority of voters in this country are sappy, adolescent non thinking adult fools who can't think for themselves no matter what their educational level.They sit on their rumps and watch the boob tube for an average of 27 hours a week according to various polls,and are bombarded with traitorous propaganda against America by sitcoms,news outlets,talk shows,sporting events,cartoon channels,disgusting commercials and, yes, even many so called christian outlets that are infiltrated by these satanic visionaries touting same sex marriage,the femininity of God,pro choice beliefs,etc.The only way America can survive such a revolution of devaluing everything good is for somebody with the guts, out of love for his country, to stand up at a public forum and hammer these phony perpetrators of everything evil they intend for this country.It is sad to see America savaged internally right here in our country by enemies of our Republic who are equal to, or even worse,than those we are fighting abroad.Treacherous traitors pure and simple who are determined to have a government controlled by a few with oppressive laws fashioned after their beloved Marx/Lenin hate filled manifestos.A country with no real belief system in God is a country doomed for failure.History has proven this to be a true fact which our wishy washy leaders apparently have failed to recognize through their arrogant self importance,greed,and real indifference for their fellow man.
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