Please pray for our Patriot Armed Forces standing in harm’s way around the world, and for their families, especially those of our fallen Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen, who have died in defense of American liberty while prosecuting the war with Jihadistan.
While Our brave men and women are making progress in the fight to clean out the radical Islamists in Iraq. Majority Senate Leader, Harry Reid, is planning to send the Senate home for a Holiday vacation (at tax payers expense) without binging up the Bill for a vote that would give the troops more money to continue the fight.
His Grinch like action will undoubtedly result in some unintended consequences. The first is that every soldier, sailor or marine killed during his Holiday break will be the result of his power struggle with the President in this blogger opinion.
Even more close to home, there is the very real possibility that many civilian workers at military bases here in the United States will be laid off if the money to continue the fight needs to come out of the Pentagon civilian budget.
Over the years beginning in the Presidency of George the first, may non-military positions on military bases were turned over to Civilians. This released more military people for readiness training and was a shot in the arm to the economy of the Cities where large military bases are located.
The Secretary of Defense has warned the Democrats who are blocking passage of the funding bill, that he may have to begin reducing the civilian work force if the money for the troops gets short. I hope he does it!
The bone of contention with the Democrats is how do they satisfy their constituents who are violently anti-war, and still appear to be supportive of the troops?
Mr. Reid has said the Democrats will not fund the troops with the money President Bush is requesting unless Mr. Bush agrees to withdraw the troops by next December.
Imagine telling a group of dedicated bank robbers that you will guard the Federal Reserve until next December, and then you will send the guards all home for rest. Do you think for one minute the robbers will try to rob a bank until one minute after the guards leave?
Well, the Al queda will do the same thing. Go underground, if the Democrats prevail, and wait until the troops are ready to leave, and then the "Massacre"will begin!
President Bush sternly pressed Democrats to approve money to fund the Iraq war "without strings and without delay" before leaving town for the Christmas holidays, something congressional leaders have already indicated they will not do.
After more failed attempts to pass legislation ordering troops home from Iraq, Democrats have said they plan to sit on Bush's $196 billion request for war spending until next year.
Bush said this will push the Pentagon toward an accounting nightmare and affect the military ability to do its job protecting the country.
"The American people expect us to work together to support our troops. That's what they want," Bush said Thursday after spending two hours meeting at the Pentagon with military leaders. "They do not want the government to create needless uncertainty for those defending our country and uncertainty for their families. They do not want disputes in Washington to undermine our troops in Iraq just as they're seeing clear signs of success."
The last paragraph was excerpted from an AP story online today, and illustrates why I called the Democrats in Congress the Grinch who ruined Christmas.
After more failed attempts to pass legislation ordering troops home from Iraq, Democrats have said they plan to sit on Bush's $196 billion request for war spending until next year.
Bush said this will push the Pentagon toward an accounting nightmare and affect the military ability to do its job protecting the country.
"The American people expect us to work together to support our troops. That's what they want," Bush said Thursday after spending two hours meeting at the Pentagon with military leaders. "They do not want the government to create needless uncertainty for those defending our country and uncertainty for their families. They do not want disputes in Washington to undermine our troops in Iraq just as they're seeing clear signs of success."
The last paragraph was excerpted from an AP story online today, and illustrates why I called the Democrats in Congress the Grinch who ruined Christmas.
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