One of the theories that has not been published in the dialog of Global Warming, is the Mayan Pole Shift Theory in which the north and south pole shift. Albert Einstein agreed that this effect is now going on, and can be responsible for Global Weather change.
The theory if correct would make all other theories moot, because they predict the Poles will shift again in 2012. If this occurs, the catastrophe that will include earthquakes, tsunamis and massive destruction could be the "End of Times".
The end of the fifth creation of the Maya calendar is on December 23, 2012 of the Current Era (C.E.2).That would be 12-21-12, It has to do with the movement of the earths axis where all of the planets line up. It will change the tides and start massive flooding. Not necessarily the end of the world just major change in "mother nature" that could result in devastating events.
The magnetic field of the Earth has actually switched its direction many many times during Earth's history. Although this is not completely understood, the leading theory of how it works is that Earth's magnetic field is caused by the motion of the liquid outer core. The churning of the liquid in the outer core acts as a giant electromagnet, moving electrical charges around, in what is known as the "geomagnetic dynamo." The rotation of the solid inner core also contributes to the magnetic field.
When a certain combination of inner and outer core motion occurs, the Earth's magnetic field will quickly reverse. For example, lava that solidified 30,000 years ago shows that the magnetic field was in the opposite direction at that time. Evidence from the geologic record shows that this reversal could take less than 1000 or even less than 100 years. The way these reversals throughout geologic history were discovered was by looking at the seafloor. New ocean floor is created along the mid-ocean ridges. When lava along these ridges cools, its minerals harden in line with the Earth's magnetic field. This causes the seafloor to have magnetic "stripes," which can be measured and mapped. This is very useful for oceanographers and geologists.
One effect that may occur during a magnetic reversal is that the Earth may not be protected from charged particles streaming from the sun. These particles are called the "solar wind", and could be dangerous to life if they reached the Earth's surface. However, the interaction between the magnetic field and these particles deflects them around the Earth. The area around a planet (including Earth) within which the motion of charged particles is affected by the magnetic field is called the magnetosphere. The Earth's environment extends all the way from the sun to the Earth and beyond? It is not an empty wasteland of space. Instead, near-Earth space is full of streaming particles, electromagnetic radiation, and constantly changing electric and magnetic fields. All of these things make up our magnetosphere (source for this material is from NASA)
One effect that may occur during a magnetic reversal is that the Earth may not be protected from charged particles streaming from the sun. These particles are called the "solar wind", and could be dangerous to life if they reached the Earth's surface. However, the interaction between the magnetic field and these particles deflects them around the Earth. The area around a planet (including Earth) within which the motion of charged particles is affected by the magnetic field is called the magnetosphere. The Earth's environment extends all the way from the sun to the Earth and beyond? It is not an empty wasteland of space. Instead, near-Earth space is full of streaming particles, electromagnetic radiation, and constantly changing electric and magnetic fields. All of these things make up our magnetosphere (source for this material is from NASA)
We've learned that the solar wind travels past the Earth at well over 1,000,000 miles per hour. And thanks to the Earth's magnetic field, the solar wind is stopped and deflected around the Earth so that most of it does not hit our atmosphere head on.
Sometimes the magnetosphere becomes overloaded with particles. When this happens, some particles escape through the magnetosphere and interact with atoms in the upper atmosphere, making them emit light. This is what creates the northern lights (aurora borealis) and the southern lights (aurora australis). weakened during a reversal, more of these particles will get through to the upper atmosphere. This could be a problem, but most likely the atmosphere is thick enough to protect the Earth's surface.
Solar wind energy in our magnetosphere can also cause what are known as space plasma storms. These storms can cause communication and science satellites to fail. They can also cause damage to electric power systems on the surface of the Earth. (See picture above of damage)
A large space storm in 1989 made currents on the ground that caused a failure in the Hydro-Quebec electric power system. This prevented 6 million people in Canada and the US from having electricity for over 9 hours. The same storm caused the atmosphere to inflate and dragged the LDEF satellite to a lower orbit earlier than expected.
A large space storm in 1989 made currents on the ground that caused a failure in the Hydro-Quebec electric power system. This prevented 6 million people in Canada and the US from having electricity for over 9 hours. The same storm caused the atmosphere to inflate and dragged the LDEF satellite to a lower orbit earlier than expected.
This phenomenon, can and does have an affect on the Earth and it's climate. Al Gore's theory of Global Warming blames man made co2 gases for a decrease in the Polar ice cap, and many other climatology things. He like other hucksters is peddling a disputed scientific theory that will do nothing but slow down the United States economy.
Perhaps politicians and pseudo-scientists should consider the effect of the "solar winds" on climate change, and pay a lot more attention to people like NASA who have sent people into space where they can measure the effects of the Sun on our Mother Earth!
Many other stars millions of times larger than the size of this orbiting peewee star in the not yet fully discovered complete universe have exploded suddenly over the years and much to the prophetic stupidity of our modern prognosticators for astronomical mythology they might be instantly and permanently surprised if some sane thinkers were right in their worry about the end being close for this measly little grain of sand spinning lazily in space.They and we won't know it.Could we be headed for a cataclysmic disater which will leave a speck of gas and dust residual for the universe?Something will trump the pseudointellectual eggheads of the world.
What is going to happen in 2012? Only time will tell. Be smart... be ready. Find everything to survive 2012 and the end of the Mayan calendar at www.2012Supplies.com
this theroy is very provocative and it is proven that this phnomenon does occure therefore it can be surmised that these varibles have been calculated so if i believed this was the form that the next primary shift in the life cycle of our planet was to take i would look for the most stable places that have the highest provability of withstanding and/or adapting to such a change these geographic regions i conclude are property of certain wealthy organizations and world governments who have been privy to these calculations i would also like to know if any one has data that predicts what would happen to the rest of the planets in the solar system when this alignment takes place is it possible that this magnetic shift would affect all the planets simultaneously? and for that matter would a shift in our solarsystems magnetic or electromagnetic field begin a cosmic shift or is this effect on our world the result of a macrocosmic shift of magnetic alignment for the universe? if this is the case could not the cataclymic effects be very short lived before all things in the cosms realign or newly align with there new magnetic center? or is this all e ven possible what do you think?
Quite frankly i think everybody should stop talking about it. we dont even know anything about the earth so why do we pretend? when will you people learn that instead of talking about it when you dont even know if it will happen for definite just live out your lives as full as possible! i know this and im only 17!!!!! why does nobody ever shut up???????
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