Michelle Obama appears to be the "point" women used to go to Black schools and Churches, and try to convince those in attendance to drop their support for Hillary Clinton. She has appeared at numerous all Black meetings where her main message is "wake up and support one of your own."
She appears to be the "in your face" person bringing the message to the Black Community. This approach has been chided by some Black leaders as being duplicitous, and could backfire.
Mrs Obama serves as roaming ambassador for African-American audiences, Mrs. Obama is one of their own, with a more familiar background than that of her husband. At a black church in Cincinnati last week, the audience hummed approval throughout her speech.
Michelle Obama, said "Black America will wake up and get it" in an interview running on MSNBC.
In a clip that's featured in one segment, Michelle Obama invoked the name of civil rights leaders Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr. when talking about African-American turnout, a crucial voting bloc for the Illinois senator.

"The legacy of slavery and racism is that a large number of African-Americans do not believe that they are able to succeed in the world. Not that they lack the capacity to succeed, but they simply do not believe that it will be possible because they still believe they will not be given the opportunity".
Many will point out that all candidates have their spouses out on the campaign trail drumming up votes for their spouse. This is true, but none other than Michelle Obama is playing the race card!
Mr Obama's refusal to wear one of Mr Bush's omnipresent American flag pin, which the senator called a substitute for real patriotism has attracted some voters, but makes me wonder if he were elected would he have more respect for Our flag?
Because the junior senator from Illinois has no achievements at all in foreign relations, very little accomplishments in national politics, and no significant achievements while in Illinois politics. He hasn't done anything, so they have to come up with nonsensical, or Racial reasons to vote for him. Where are his plans for dealing with illegal aliens, radical Muslims, Irans nuclear threat, Russia's saber rattling, fixing our weak dollar? He says nothing concrete. Just elect me for a new begining, and just what will that be?
In addition to the many reasons listed above, not to vote for Obama, there is his alleged ties to Tony Rezko, his membership in a church many consider racist, his acceptance of genocide as a possible cost of a too early withdrawal from Iraq.
The record shows a troubling deal with a shadowy figure in the Chicago area. The following is a brief description of his dealings with this man.
In June 2005, Obama and Rezko purchased adjoining parcels in Kenwood. The state's junior senator paid $1.65 million for a Georgian revival mansion, while Rezko paid $625,000 for the adjacent, undeveloped lot. Both closed on their properties on the same day.
Sen. Barack Obama says he regrets purchasing land from politcal fundraiser Antoin Rezko.(AP)
Last January, aiming to increase the size of his side yard, Obama paid Rezko $104,500 for a strip of his land.
The transaction occurred at a time when it was widely known Tony Rezko was under investigation by U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald and as other Illinois politicians befriended by Rezko distanced themselves from him.
The land deal came up in a court hearing that delved into Rezko's finances. Obama said he has not been approached by federal prosecutors about the transaction nor has plans to go to them about it.
Obama and Rezko have been friends since 1990, and Obama said the Wilmette businessman raised as much as $60,000 for him during his political career. After Rezko's indictment, Obama donated $11,500 to charity--a total that represents what Rezko contributed to the senator's federal campaign fund.
The reason I would never vote for Obam is that Obama has been opposed to any military action in Iraq since the days he was in the Illinois State Legislature.His speeches on the campaign trail have included demands for immediate withdrawal, and statements that indicate we were led into the war by President Bush's duplicity. This is a common theme for all Democrat Presidential aspirants, but the "johnny come lately" with Muslim roots is in direct odds with ex-President Clinton who strongly said their was a threat in Iraq for WMD.
President Bill Clinton, during his second term, warned Congress of Saddam Hussein's pursuit of nuclear weapons:
"Together we must also confront the new hazards of chemical and biological weapons, and the outlaw states, terrorists and organized criminals seeking to acquire them. Saddam Hussein has spent the better part of this decade, and much of his nation's wealth, not on providing for the Iraqi people, but on developing nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and the missiles to deliver them. The United Nations weapons inspectors have done a truly remarkable job, finding and destroying more of Iraq's arsenal than was destroyed during the entire gulf war. Now, Saddam Hussein wants to stop them from completing their mission. I know I speak for everyone in this chamber, Republicans and Democrats, when I say to Saddam Hussein, "You cannot defy the will of the world," and when I say to him, "You have used weapons of mass destruction before; we are determined to deny you the capacity to use them again."
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