Two items of Climate science have appeared in print and on the History Channel that bear notice and understanding by all Americans who believe in our way of life. Yes, there are things that can and should get better for all of us, but bottom line, the way of life of citizens, and non-citizens, is better here in the United States than any place else on Earth.
This way of life is threatened by Al Gore's pseudo-scientific group that has joined hands with the new home of the American Marxists, the Ecologists, to try to eliminate the use of fosile fuels.
There are just a few things that should be exposed before we stampede into unchartered territory that could make the United States a second rate nation.
The real scientists who study climate changes have come up with two facts, not theories, that should be considered.
The first is the fact that shifting from fosile fuels to bio-fuels will produce more CO2 gases than the present use of fosile fuels. I offer this as the first point to consider.
"According to the first study, which was conducted by ecologists from Princeton and the Woods Hole Research Center, biofuel advocates have made massive accounting errors by ignoring renewable energy’s “hidden costs.” For example, there is 2.7 times more carbon stored in plant material than the atmosphere, and massive amounts of this plant material would have to be burned off to make room to grow biofuel crops. Moreover, plant material serves as a sort of “carbon sink,” absorbing large amounts of CO2. By removing trees to make room for biofuel crops, the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere will only increase. The study ultimately concludes that when one considers production costs, the amount of greenhouse-gas emissions from ethanol over a period of 30 years will be twice as high as from gasoline, and that it will take 167 years for ethanol to “pay back” the carbon released by making land suitable for biofuel crops".
The second is the "Maunder Minimum". An occurence that had a severe cooling effect on the Earth's climate in 1860.
"Solar activity occurs in cycles of 11 years, and thus far, in the current cycle, the sun has been unusually quiet. The sun’s inactivity could indicate the beginning of what is known as the Maunder Minimum. This event occurs every few hundred years and lasts possibly as long as a century. The last Maunder Minimum occurred in 1650 and was marked by 50 years of terribly freezing winters and cool summers. These findings prove once again what should be blatantly obvious: that Al Gore’s man-made global-warming circus is not scientific, but rather is a scare tactic used for the promotion of class warfare and the redistribution of wealth. Liberals hope that, in addition to piling up political capital with global warming, they can also guilt-trip Americans into surrendering their quality of life"
Source for both quotes is the "Patriot Post".
One other thing must also be mentioned regarding bio fuels. Ethanol has been used in Wisconsin and a few other mid-western states for over a decade, The results of their use has shown that ethanol damages fuel injectors and other parts of the fuel delivery system more than gasoline. Thus we have costs for replacement parts on top of the damaging effect the conversion from food products to ethanol producing crops has on our food supply and it's cost.
This damaging effect will also have an impact on the military in the near future. The military machine runs on fosile fuel!
Any one who thinks that the Ecologists will be satisfied with just involving the private sector in this bio fuels crusade is nuts!
The military will be mandated soon after they convert the private sector, and this could have serious consequences for the effectiveness of our military cabability to fight in the field of battle. More break downs, repairs and costly replacements will be reflected in increased costs for military spending.
If ,God forbid, the Democrat front runner in the primary race, Barack Obama, should become President. His diplomacy over military approach to foreign threats to Our Country will have a devastating effect on the military. Not unlike the Clinton administration, that was marked by "slash and burn" approach to the military. A pacifist like Obama will drastictly reduce our military capabilty you can be sure!
Bill....what do you know about science...not much.Like most religious and lately conservative people you believe what you want with no knowledge of the truth.You state the Maunder Minimum occurs every few hundred years...first the "maunder" is not a fact.Find one instance other than between 1645 and 1715 that this has occured.There are no "written" records of sunspot observations for this period and can hardly be proven. To state it occurs every hundred years there must be proof of a cycle and you have nothing.I would also point out other points of ignorance but I don't waste my time on know it alls like you. You have no clue.Global Warming is a fact regardless of the cause...try looking at the CO2 and temperature records for the last 400,000 years and you will find a direct link between the two and though there are other factors there is a link and due to nature feed back threre will be REAL issues to deal with because we have upset the balance of nature.
Yes, and I bet the CO2, that caused the global warming a thousand years ago was man made too. Your problem is you believe the truth is a something, when in reality it is a somebody! All the rest is hot air from windbag pseudo-scientists like you, Mr. no name!
There are other causes of CO2 release...not just human. The FACT IS that greenhouse gases increase the tempuraturs of the planet regardless of how it gets there...get a clue.
Oh and as far as somebody...try and prove that too..belief is far from fact
Dear Mr. Disbelief: How many pages of proof do you want about the probability of the Maunder Minimum. Have you even investigated it? You don't have to be a rocket scientist to find out. There are so many research papers and so much scientific proof that such a thing occurs that it is impossible to miss it. I can only believe that you didn't look anything up. Cheez.
The Maunder Minimun refers to a one time event that has no written records of the sun spot activity. The telescope was only invented 40 years before this so called event and astronomy was in it's infancy. You are the one who has no clue.Please find one occurance of a maunder minimum other than between 1650 and 1714...please get your facts straight.There is no pattern or cycle.You need to do your research.
Here is link for all the misinformed believers
There is research into the Maunder Minimum that gives proof that reduced sunspot activity did occur during this time of 1650-1715. Additionally, Aurora had been observed long before the telescope was invented and those are recorded events. Funny there were only 77 recorded during that time of Maunder Minimum all over the world. Aurora is always associated with sun spot activity. There were recorded sunspot activity observations made by astronomers. Read from the Journal of Science Eddy (1976). The facts are a historical record and not made up. This was the purpose of Eddy's paper to prove if in fact the reduced sun spot activity caused the cooling effect seen during that time period. Further, he looked at the C14 record in tree rings to further support his theory. Both factual findings support Eddy's theory and further substantiate Maunder and Sporer research. And yes, there are other periods of cooling as I'm sure your aware of. Try the Dalton Period.
Nicely researched. In fact several other minor reductions in sunspot activity parallel cooling periods. You will also see there has been more solar activity during since about 1940 which matches the time frame used for global warming.
Recommend this link for comparison of solar and greenhouse gases. Source: Danish National Space Center. The strong point made is if solar produces warmer temp then CO2 and water vaper will naturally increase. Ref: http://www.spacecenter.dk/publications/scientific-report-series/Scient_No._3.pdf/view
Yes, Cantbelieve, thereis a direct link between CO2 and temperature but that is one where CO2 is a trailing factor rathern than leading causal factor. Actually, CO2 has been shown to trail global temperatures by 800±300 years. The trailing C02 is considered to be released by the warming oceans and lesser solubility.
While the short term feedback mechanism of CO2 on temperature has been postulated, it has never been shown to occur, and certainly not on the levels indicated by Al Gore and (anthropogenic) global warming fanatics.
Could it be occuring. Possibly. But there is nowhere near the data to assert it is occurring and is a 'fact'. That's just a flat out lie and an unscientific representation. Science does not represent anything as a static 'fact', but that's for another lesson. We havent been able to monitor TSR, the greatest input factor into the global heat equation, in a quantitative manner comparable from season to season until recently; look up NASA's SORCE satellite.
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