The USA president, George Bush, is traveling to Suadi Arabia with "hat in Hand" to beg for more oil!This is an insult to Americans, in my opinion. Saudi Arabia doesn't even allow women to drive cars!
Moreover, they are a Muslim Country that spawned Osama Bin Laden, and the more oil we buy from them, the more money the Arabs have to spend on maintaining their tyrannical regime.
And the President is playing right into the hands of the ecological left that wants our country to lose it's military and industrial might.
According to government estimates, there is enough oil in areas accessible to America — 112 billion barrels — to power more than 60 million cars for 60 years. The Outer Continental Shelf alone contains an estimated 86 billion barrels of oil and 420 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. Had President Clinton not vetoed exploration in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWAR) in 1995, when oil was $19 a barrel, America would currently be receiving more than 1 million barrels a day domestically, all of it taken by better technology than existed more than 30 years ago. That was when the Alaskan pipeline was built despite protests from environmentalists who claimed it would destroy the caribou. It didn’t, but the environmentalists are back with the same discredited arguments. Because most of the oil remains “off-limits,�� we are becoming more dependent on foreign oil.
At the same time that Bush is traveling to Saudi's King, the Democrats in Congress are talking about penalizing our only source of fossil fuels, the oil companies!They want to repeal $17 billion in tax breaks for the oil companies over 10 years and on top of that impose a windfall profit tax on companies that don’t invest in new energy sources. This is political demagoguery and expediency at its worst.
The oil companies will just pass their increase costs on to the consumer as would any other product producer. This exacerbates the problem without any attempt to solve the problem.All the plans now on the table do not take into consideration the fact that we have more oil available in ANWAR and "off-shore" than the oil available in Saudi Arabia!
In addition to the sinking value of the dollar, here is the main problem: According to the Department of Energy, U.S. oil production has fallen approximately 40 percent since 1985, while the consumption of oil has grown by more than 30 percent. According to government estimates, there is enough oil in areas accessible to America — 112 billion barrels — to power more than 60 million cars for 60 years. The Outer Continental Shelf alone contains an estimated 86 billion barrels of oil and 420 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. Had President Clinton not vetoed exploration in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWAR) in 1995, when oil was $19 a barrel, America would currently be receiving more than 1 million barrels a day domestically, all of it taken by better technology than existed more than 30 years ago. That was when the Alaskan pipeline was built despite protests from environmentalists who claimed it would destroy the caribou. It didn’t!
Time to wake up America, and elect people to Congress that will allow new refineries and drilling for our known oil sources. If you don't believe me, get ready to ride your bike or walk to the grocery store in a few years, when crude oil reaches $200 or more!It is one thing to demand that we put a more expensive and more polluting bio-fuel in our cars, that will eventually destroy the fuel injectors, It is another travesty to ask our military to fight an impending war without enough gasoline and diesel to run their planes and tanks.While the Arab world and Russia have a glut of oil.
Remember he and daddy Bush are big oil tycoons.I guwss Obama and Hillary are in agreement with this stupid move no doubt bought and paid for by King Abdullah.
--- Original Message -----
Let's keep it scientific then: Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) is a theory. It is an unproven theory. What you do with theories is put them to the test with scientific observations. Let's see what data points we now have:
1) Temperatures have not surpassed 1998 (NOAA)
2) Temperatures are now trending downward since 1998 (NOAA)
3) Ocean temperatures have not risen since 2000 when the Argo buoys were launched. The buoys even show a slight decrease in ocean temperatures
4) The Arctic ice froze to February levels by December, there are 1mm more sq km than before (previous was 13mm sq km)
5) The Arctic ice is 20cm thicker than "normal"
6) All polar bear pods are stable or growing (NOAA/PBS)
7) Mount Kilimanjaro is not melting because of global warming, rather "sublimation"
8) The Antarctic is not "melting", it is growing in most places, the sloughing off at the edges is normal as the ice mass grows
9) The majority of the Antarctic is 8 degrees below "normal"
10) The coveted .7 degree rise in temperatures over the last 100 years has been wiped out with last years below "normal" temperatures
11) Al Gores film was just deemed "propaganda" in a court of law in the UK as many points could not be substantiated by scientists
12) It was also just reveled that some of the footage in Al's film was CGI. The ice shelf collapse was from the movie "The Day After" (ABC)
13) One of the scientists that originally thought that CO2 preceded the warming has now found with new data that the CO2 rise follows the warming (Dr David Evans)
14) Storms have become less frequent and less severe (many GW alarmists are now backtracking these earlier "theories")
15) Droughts have always happened and always will
16) The greenhouse effect is real, our small contribution to it cannot even be measured
17) Several publications, including those that are "warmist" have recently written that the "natural" cycles of the earth may "mask" AGW. Give me a break.
18) 31,000 scientist have signed a petition against AGW!
With China (1 new coal fired plant coming on line each week) and India spewing millions of tons of CO2 in to the atmosphere, along with the rest of the world increasing their CO2 "production" over the last ten years, these results should be impossible.
Now, please be so kind to give me one piece of observable evidence that man is causing "global warming".
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