Obama's chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, who said: "Rule one: Never allow a crisis to go to waste. They are opportunities to do big things."
It seems to me that semantics is a big part of PEBO and VPEB have prepared the public for their brand of "Change". In a speech earlier this week vice-president elect Biden said "we are at war" when he was asked about the economic situation in the USA.
Yesterday the President elect Barrack Obama said he intended to "rebuild America". From my viewpoint both of these statements could mean many things to many people. My take on the we are at war statement is that the Obama 750 billion dollar stimulus proposal is a declaration o war against the taxpayers and the wage earners of the USA. The 700 billion dollar stimulus package that president Bush allowed to pass has been a dismal failure, and has set the stage for the devaluation of our dollar. This of course precedes the eventual inflation of goods and services as the dollar value depreciates.
Obama's statement that he intends to rebuild America is even more scary from my viewpoint. His idea and the leftist idea logs who backed him of remaking our Country is to make the Federal Government the main source of our lives from "cradle to grave", This is nothing but Socialism masked as the "savior" needed to rescue a desperate populace. And it is not unfamiliar in the annals of history. Despots like Putin, Hugo Chavez, the Castro brothers, Hitler and Idi Amin to mention just a few, all came to power as "saviors" for people who were in desperate times.
I do not believe that Our Country is in as desperate a condition economically as the Leftist Media and the Obamaites would like you to think it is. There is no doubt many people have lost their jobs, but the Obama stimulus package indicates that he will create hundreds of thousands of new jobs. The problem is the jobs will be under the control of the Federal government, not in the free market that would help the economy grow. You say jobs are jobs, but I say jobs that are government jobs must be paid with taxpayer dollars. Jobs in the free enterprise private sector are paid from the profits of the employer and contribute to the tax base and the economic growth of the Country. A big difference!
Another indication that the "rebuilding of America" is not good thing for people who believe the Free Enterprise system and our Constitution are important to the success of our Country. The statement by Rod Emanuel that I quoted at the beginning of this blog indicates that Emanuel's remark is evidence that liberals are now coming out of the closet. They'll no doubt still deny the liberal label, but they'll apologetically embrace liberal policies in a way they wouldn't have before.
And Obama's appointment of a TV personality doctor as Surgeon General is cause for alarm. This Brain Surgeon has no knowledge of bio-terrorism techniques or how to respond to possible pandemics.
Then there is the selection of the new CIA director. As Oliver North said in todays Blog;"From Moscow to Tehran, Caracas to Beijing, London to New Delhi, in virtually every world capital, foreign leaders and their intelligence services are making judgments about the next leader of the Free World. They learned something about his wisdom, seriousness and maturity this week when he picked Leon Panetta, a man with intelligence-deficit disorder, to head the CIA". This sends a message to our enemies, and there are many, that Obama intends to emasculate the CIA. This will certainly reduce the covert abilities of the CIA that has helped keep US safe for the past seven years!
In conclusion the CHANGE seems to me to be more about the same old Clinton Administration officials appearing again with different labels, and the portent of an attack on the power of the Free Enterprise system by replacing it with an expanded role for Federal Government control!
1 comment:
Lawrence Kudlow in the Patriot Pot had this to say about Obama "stimulus package";28 years ago Ronald Reagan said government was the problem, not the solution. Dealing with a bad recession like this one, the Gipper lowered taxes and domestic spending. Obama on the other hand has offered an $800 billion package, with plenty of infrastructure spending that alleges to create 3 million jobs.
Nobody really believes infrastructure spending will end the recession or create permanent new jobs. However, it's interesting just how much the Obama plan has changed since the election. The size has been roughly constant. But the mix of tax cuts and spending increases is now totally different.
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