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Jan. 22nd, 2009 | 03:31 pm
Hollywood and the Cable Networks keep showing episodes of the Nazi death camps. Certainly a low point in mans inhumanity to his fellow man. But there is a genocide ongoing right here in the USA, that was started by seven men in Black Robes(kind of appropriate)36 years ago.
This quote from the Patriot Post,illustrates my feelings on this atrocity to those in the most protected place on earth--their mothers womb!
"On Thursday, the most tragic Supreme Court fiat in America's history will turn 36. The 1973 Roe v. Wade decision federalized a legal issue that historically had been individually decided by each state. Seven unelected justices struck down Texas' abortion law -- and by extension, those of the other states -- instead of having elected legislators properly decide the matter. The primary issue, of course, remains the right to life affirmed in our Declaration of Independence. Since Roe, nearly 50 million babies have been denied this foundational right, trumped by the so-called "right to choose" supported by our new president and Democrat-controlled Congress."
Tags: abortion, genocide, opinion
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