“Remember Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a Democracy yet that did not commit suicide.” – John Adams, letter to John Taylor, April 15, 1814
One hundred and ninety years ago one of our founding fathers said that Democracy commits suicide, and from the way Americans have accepted the rash interpretations of the Constitution in the past fifty years. It appears he is right on point!
Our Supreme Courts decisions in Roe vs Wade and the decision allowing the burning of our flag have been just two examples of the way we have allowed our freedoms and morals to degenerate.
Then there is the way we have allowed the horde of illegal aliens to not only cross our borders but to stay here, and the drive to make everything politically correct has furthered the slide down the slippery slope!
Through it all we have up to now been able to remain the Worlds military super power, and by being powerful we have not garnered much love, but we are still free of attacks on our soil since 9/11/01.
Now comes the "change master" and the "spendulus" package that is well over 900 billion dollars at the time I write this blog.
When the public complains that we are spending money we do not have, and will not have for the foreseeable future. The Democrats talk about cutting the expenditures for the military. After all they are about making America the model welfare state that other countries have tried and failed to produce.
Most of the weapons systems that we ask our brave men and women to take into battle are old and rapidly becoming obsolete. Take the F-18 fighter plane. It was put into use by the military in the 1980s after being designed and approved for production in 1976.
F/A-18 Hornets are currently operating in 37 tactical squadrons from air stations world-wide, and from 10 aircraft carriers. They are, or were scheduled to be replace by the F-22, but guess where the Democrats plan to save money?
While the Republicans in Congress have identified the "stimulus" bill as a PORK spending bill, and are trying to rip out the pork. I believe the whole bill should be scrapped and a new bill that includes money to quick start the economy by including tax cuts and help to the "home owners". The favorite target of liberals is the military, and I have enclosed an excerpt from The Patriot Post written by Ollie North for your information about the lack of concern that some Democrats have to keep our military preparedness.
"Additional "savings" have been identified by others on Capitol Hill. Reps. Barney Frank and Barbara Lee have announced that they want to "trim" what they call "Cold War-era" weapons from the 2010 budget. Included in their "cut list" are the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter ($6.1 billion), the F/A-22 Raptor ($4.5 billion), the Marines' V-22 Osprey ($1.3 billion), the DDG-1000 destroyer ($3.5 billion) and the Army's Future Combat Systems ($3.7 billion).
Even though Iran succeeded in putting a satellite in orbit this week -- demonstrating the capability to launch nuclear-tipped ICBMs -- Rep. Frank persists in claiming that ballistic missile defense ($8.9 billion) is on the chopping block, as well, adding, "We don't need all these fancy new weapons."
In an increasingly dangerous world, in the midst of a war and serious global economic woes, this kind of thinking is lunacy. The Obama administration and their liberal allies on Capitol Hill need to set aside their deep-seated, pathological antipathy toward America's military and invest in the defense of this nation.
In the aftermath of the "Daschle Debacle," Mr. Obama acknowledged, "I screwed up." It is now time for him to make the same admission about his efforts to gut our defense budget. Spending more on defense -- not less -- is not only good for our economy but also good for all of us".SOURCE: OLIVER NORTH
1 comment:
Hi Bill,
I saw your recent post on protecting the country, and I wanted to alert you to a campaign to create awareness and support for the F-22. From Hot Air to the Washington Post, the F-22 Raptor has gained support on all sides.
Not only is the plane instrumental to the country's defense and resources, but continuing production of the F-22 is currently providing 95,000 Americans with jobs at 1,000 supplies from California to Maine.
Please take action and visit http://preserveraptorjobs.com/ for more information and to send a message to the Obama administration to save this program. With your support, we'll do our part to keep America safe and working.
Thank you for your time.
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