Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.” —Ronald Reagan
As documented by Michele Marie Moore in the book Oklahoma City: Day One, the legislation provided a general charter for the FBI and other agencies, including the military, to investigate political groups and causes at will. In addition, the legislation authorized secret trials, the use of illegally obtained evidence, allowed the military to engage in law enforcement activities (in violation of Posse Comitatus), relaxed rules for wiretaps, and allowed the president to determine who is a terrorist. “The bill was specifically designed to give the President of the United States the ability to name whomever he wished as a political enemy for the purpose of that person’s removal, and the appropriate media label would be ‘terrorist’. One could also foresee, as a result of this bill, great strides in the effort to completely disarm the American people,” Source:Congressional Record
While setting the Defense Department and the FBI's sights on returning veterans for possible Terrorist activity, Obama is quietly filling his own "army" of civil reervants by legislative fiat.
Seventy-five years to the day after President Roosevelt signed the Civilian Conservation Corps into law, the House of Representatives sent President Obama a sweeping expansion of national service that will engage millions of Americans in meeting national needs and solving local problems through volunteer service.Of Course he signed the Bill into law, as it would put more people on the Government payroll and thus result in more voters for the Democrats and him!
The House voted 275-149 to accept the Senate amendments to H.R. 1388, the Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act. The Senate passed the bill in a 79-19 vote and renamed the legislation after Senator Kennedy, a longtime champion of national service. The House action then sent the bill to President Obama, who has signed the measure.
The legislation would reauthorize and expand national service programs administered by the Corporation for National and Community Service, a federal agency created in 1993. The Corporation engages four million Americans in result-driven service each year,(note the words "each year") including 75,000 AmeriCorps members, 492,000 Senior Corps volunteers, 1.1 million Learn and Serve America students, and 2.2 million additional community volunteers mobilized and managed through the agency’s programs. All people who are dependent upon the Federal government for their livelihood.
Under the legislation, the Corporation would increase and enhance opportunities for Americans of all ages to serve by setting AmeriCorps on a path to increase from 75,000 to 250,000 positions each year, establishing a Summer of Service program, expanding eligibility for Senior Corps programs, and creating Silver Scholarships and Encore Fellowships for older Americans. It will strengthen America’s civic infrastructure through the creation of grant programs to invest in social innovation, support volunteer mobilization, and build nonprofit capacity. The new law is also designed to strengthen the management, cost-effectiveness and accountability of programs by increasing flexibility, consolidating funding streams, and introducing more competition. It also includes ACORN as one of the organizations that "volunteers"(who are paid) help financially to further their education.
The legislation would reauthorize and expand national service programs administered by the Corporation for National and Community Service, a federal agency created in 1993. The Corporation engages four million Americans in result-driven service each year, including 75,000 AmeriCorps members, 492,000 Senior Corps volunteers, 1.1 million Learn and Serve America students, and 2.2 million additional community volunteers mobilized and managed through the agency’s programs. Thus growing the Federal government even more as Obama crows about his cut in the Federal Budget of 100 million dollars! Less than one-quarter of the budget increase that Congress awarded to itself; 4 percent of the military aid the United States sends to Israel; Less than half the cost of one F-22 fighter plane; 7 percent of the federal subsidy for the money-losing Amtrak passenger rail system; 1/10,000th of the government's operating budgets for Cabinet agencies, excluding the Iraq and Afghan wars and the stimulus bill.Source: New media Journal
An administration that chooses not to call those who cut off heads of captured Americans like Richard Pearl, TERRORISTS! They have the alert alarm for returning veterans who join or might join Militia groups.
While the FBI stood by and let the Acorns led radicals destroy private property of those who received bonus money from AIG, and did nothing to stop the pirates holding the captain of an American flagged vessel. It took three navy snipers of a SEAL team to resolve the issue! These people are thanks to Secretary Napolitano's leaking a redone memo alerting all law enforcement agencies to consider returning veterans as potential terrorists. Obama was quietly growing the number of people he could legally put on the government payroll. All of whom will be beholden to the "Messiah" for the rest of their lives. Unless they wake up and realize that this President is a Statist who loves adulation and power.
OBAMA even has on the agenda, for action very soon, the creation of a Federal Police Force comparable to the size of our present military! Where have we heard of such a force before. Perhaps those of you old enough, as I am, will remember the special forces troops that Hitler formed called the "SS". A force that struck fear in the hearts of any one who dared to dissent from Hitlers plans, or failed to pledge allegiance to him!!
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