Thursday, May 28, 2009


The taxpayers have been paying for Congressional "junkets" for decades. The Hypocrisy of these foreign trips is that they are said to be fact finding missions, when in reality most are disguised vacations for both Republicans and Democrats depending which party holds power at the time.
While the president was spending more than a million dollars of the taxpayers money flying Air force one and two other jumbo jets to Las Vegas and Los Angeles to raise money for Harry Reid and the Democrat party. "QUEEN" Pelosi was in Communist China talking up the emissions control line.
What she thinks she will accomplish talking to groups of school children as she did is purely speculative. I think she just wanted to visit China and see the sites, and is using the excuse that she is promoting the idea of reducing carbon emissions.

The Associated Press is reporting that U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi urged Beijing on Thursday to cooperate on climate change, calling a safe environment a basic human right.

Only she was not talking to the Country's leaders. She was speaking at Beijing elite Tsinghua University, Pelosi continued the theme of her five-day China trip,that combating global warming represented a new challenge that both governments must tackle jointly.
Students have very little to say about government decisions as Tienanmen Square proved!

"We are all in this together," Pelosi told an audience of about 200 students and faculty who applauded enthusiastically throughout the 45-minute session. "The impact of climate change is a tremendous risk to the security and well-being of our countries." She might as well been talking to Kindergarten children, because she must know that China has been exempt from any Carbon emission regulations that are mandated by the International body that will draw up a new Carbon Emission treaty in Germany this summer!

CNS NEWS is reporting that the new United Nation's global warming treaty is expected to give some of the world's worst polluters--such as the communist People's Republic of China--and some of the world's wealthiest nations--such as the oil-rich United Arab Emirates--a license to continue freely pumping carbon into the atmosphere while restricting the emissions of the United States.

The United States will be joining other countries next month in attending “climate talks” in Bonn, Germany, in preparation for the United Nations' Conference of the Parties 15 (COP15) climate-change summit that will take place in Copenhagen in December. At the meeting, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) will oversee the drafting of an international treaty that will allow some of the world’s wealthiest nations and worst polluters to avoid the legally binding regulations on carbon emissions and greenhouse gases expected in the document. Countries categorized by the United Nations as Annex 1 Parties, including the United States and much of the industrialized world, are considered developed nations that will not be harmed by controlling carbon emissions.

Non-annex I Parties, on the other hand, are countries considered to be “developing” or have “economies in transition.” These Non-annex 1 countries such as China – which emits the most carbon emissions of any country in the world, according to the Union of Concerned Scientists’ Top 20 Countries for CO2 Emissions--will be able “sign on” to the treaty but will not be legally bound by it. And some of the world’s wealthiest nations, including Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, are on the Non-annex 1 Parties list.

So while Communist China is developing the capacity to drill for crude oil in Africa, and any other country that will allow them. We are trying to substitute a proven method of producing the energy that makes the wheels of the Free Enterprise system work, oil. Billions are being spent to develop wind turbines, solar panels and the poor substitute for gasoline, ethanol,to heat and air condition our homes and run the transportation industry. This tact will slowly but surely make the USA a third rate country. If Americans do not wake up to the canard that is being perpetrated upon us by those who stand to get rich on Carbon Credits, and those who want to see this country fail so Godless Communism can take the reigns of power.This Country will run out of oil and the wind turbines and solar power cannot run our airplanes much less run what industry we still have. We have not built a refinery for over 30 years, and the "tree huggers" have convinced Congress to deny drilling off shore, so get ready for an expensive winter just to heat your home!

Perhaps the prediction of John Adams is coming to fruition!
"Remember Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a Democracy yet that did not commit suicide.” – John Adams, letter to John Taylor, April 15, 1814

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