The news informs us that Obama is ready to push legislation to grant AMNESTY to illegals. Those who are for amnesty always speak of a Nation of Immigrants, and that we must know who is here legally by registering all residents in the USA now.
They also stress that because they will never voluntarily leave, we must "fix" the immigration system by making all those here illegally, legal.
But across the Pacific Ocean where illegals are not counted in the millions but in the thousands, in Japan. The Diet is passing a law to tighten up the regulations that regulate people who are in their country legally on visas and people who are there illegally as this article copied from The Japan Times English version illustrates.
"The Lower House passed bills Friday making it easier for the Justice Ministry's Immigration Bureau to keep tabs on foreigners who have overstayed their visas as well as others residing legally in the country.
The Upper House is also expected to pass the bills, which have the support of both the Liberal Democratic Party-New Komeito ruling bloc and the Democratic Party of Japan, the largest opposition party.
The Immigration Bureau and lawmakers worked out the bills to reduce the number of undocumented foreign residents, which the bureau estimates to be about 110,000.
"The bills suggest the government has set its sights on cracking down on undocumented foreigners," said Amnesty International Japan official Sonoko Kawakami. "But it remains unclear how people in a difficult situation, like those applying for refugee status, will be dealt with."
The bills will abolish the Alien Registration Act and revise the immigration control and resident registration laws. Responsibility for overseeing foreign residents will be shifted from municipalities to the Immigration Bureau, which will keep track of personal information, including name, address, visa type and expiration date.
"Municipal officials are simply doing their jobs registering foreigners in compliance with the Alien Registration Act," immigration lawyer Shogo Watanabe said, adding that local governments issue alien registration cards to overstayers with the words "no residential status" typed on them.
With the passage of the bills, undocumented foreigners who are not granted special permission to stay will be detained for deportation.
To prevent the deportation of overstayers with a legitimate reason to reside in the country, the bills also require the Justice Ministry to clarify and announce the standards for granting special permission to stay.
Since 2003, about 10,000 foreigners a year on average have been granted special permission to stay, according to the Immigration Bureau. Granting permission is entirely at the discretion of the Justice Ministry.
A new form of identification, called a "zairyu" (residence) card, will replace alien registration cards, with the information on them kept by the Justice Ministry.
Foreign residents will be listed on the Juki Net resident registry network, a computer network linking municipalities that contains demographic information of Japanese residents.
The punishments for failing to report one's address and other personal information will become harsher. In order to curb fake marriages, the bills give the justice minister the authority to revoke the spousal visas of those who fail to conduct "activities spouses normally do" for six months. Special consideration would be given to spouses who live separately because of mitigating circumstances, including abuse".
I realize Japan is a small country geographically and it makes keeping track of aliens an easier job. But it would be nice if our elected officials considered the granting of citizen status to the 10 to 12 million illegals a violation of the public trust and a direct insult to all those who came here legally and assimilated into our culture!
It is unfortunate that people didn't pay attention to the news item in 2007 from KTLS, Los Angeles, Ca.
"LA County Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich has announced that a new report shows illegal aliens and their families in Los Angeles County collected over $35 million in welfare and food stamp allocations in July.
In the report, illegals are said to have collected nearly $20 million in welfare assistance for July 2007 and an additional $15 million in monthly food stamp allocations for an estimated annual cost of $440 million.
"Illegal immigration continues to have a devastating impact on Los Angeles County taxpayers,"said Antonovich. "In addition to $220 million for public safety and $400 million for healthcare, the $440 million in welfare allocations bring the total cost to County taxpayers that exceeds $1 billion a year -- this does not include the skyrocketing cost of education."
People often imply that illegal aliens aren't hurting anyone when they break our laws. It's useful to remember that the illegal aliens are ripping off a billion dollars a year from the legal residents of LA County alone".
CALL, EMAIL, SHOUT AND SCREAM at your Congress person and Senator to vote against this travesty!
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