This issue of Newsweek magazine has an article written by Kathleen Kennedy that essentially says that Obama represents Catholics in the USA more than the Pope.
She concludes the article with this "pearl" of left wing wisdom that the Kennedy's have demonstrated since they tried to cover up the Chappaquiddick debacle when Mary Jo Kopeckne drowned and Teddy Kennedy survived, after Teddy drove his car off a bridge.
She is correct in one assumption. Apparntly 58% of people who call themselves Catholics voted for a man for President who not only supports abortion but partial birth abortion! Go figure!!
But some one with a family history of sex scandals and chicanery is no one to take seriously when she writes about the moral leadership of Catholics, as I will outline in the following.
The eldest of Robert F. Kennedy and Ethel Skakel's 11 children, she is part of the Kennedy family. She was named for her aunt Kathleen Kennedy Cavendish, Marchioness of Hartington, who died in a plane crash in 1948. And like all elitists and wealthy Liberals she thinks she is a good judge of what all people including the Pope should do and act!
Of course ,Ms. Kennedy Townsend should not be blamed for her family members imprudent acts, but her association with two organisations gives insight to why she wrote this article.
In 1986, Townsend ran for Congress in Maryland's second Congressional district, losing to Helen Delich Bentley 41% to 59%, thus becoming the first Kennedy to lose a general election.
Mrs. Kennedy Townsend is also a member of the contributing staff of the National Catholic Reporter that gave a voice to Father Roy Rourgeois until he was excommunicated by the Catholic Church in 2008.
The paper is based in midtown Kansas City, Missouri. The founding editor in 1964 was Robert Hoyt. In 1968, the NCR was officially condemned by bishop Charles Herman Helmsing. [1] When the paper was first founded, Bishop Helmsing provided diocesan office space and funds until the paper was able to move to the building where it continues to this day. In the late 1960s, Bishop Helmsing objected most specifically to the paper’s strong stands on birth control, priestly celibacy and criticism of the hierarchy, citing an imbalance in news coverage. A total of 66 Catholic journalists signed a petition during this time to support the stances of NCR.
Unlike diocesan publications or those of religious institutes, it is independent of ecclesiastical oversight. Therefore, the NCR often dissents from official Catholic Church teachings in some areas.Catholics like me call the rag The National Catholic Distorter! It is no wonder she took the time to write such a stupid and heretical article!
Kathleen Kennedy Townsend is also a member of the Center for American Progress, a Liberal organization that has such other left "wingnuts" as Tom Daschle and John Podesta as members. The Center was often featured prominently on the Al Franken Show on the Air America Radio network, where Christy Harvey and Al Franken criticized the Bush administration at length, accusing it of dishonesty and incompetence.
The Center has no information on its website about its funding, but the Washington Post reported that "seed money pledged by such deep-pocketed Democrats as financier George Soros (and mortgage billionaires Herbert and Marion Sandler)" assisted its formation.[9] The authors of Her Way, a biography of Hillary Clinton, also assert that the Democracy Alliance, a progressive donors collective, has funded the Center. They also assert that the Sandlers and Soros provided seed money.Source: Wikapedia
Then there was the incident in 2006 when Patrick Kennedy crashed his car at 3 a.m. into a security barrier outside the U.S. Capitol, returning to rehab and then pleading guilty to driving under the influence of prescription drugs. He's admitted battling depression, bipolar disorder, an addiction to prescription drugs and bouts of binge drinking.
And before that, in April 2000, when 39-year-old Michael Skakel finally appeared in court to plead not guilty to the charge of murdering a teenaged neighbor named Martha Moxley in Palm Beach, in 1975. The event was reported as the latest scandalous episode in the ongoing dramedy of the self-styled "clan" that has long stood in for royalty in these lamentably egalitarian United States.
Skakel is, of course, a Kennedy. To be precise, he is a nephew of Ethel Kennedy, the widow of Robert F. Kennedy.
And the continuing saga of the ethically challenged Kennedy clan shows that in 1997the Kennedy family was involved in another scandal. Michael Kennedy's plea for forgiveness for "serious mistakes" he has committed. Kennedy had been accused of having an affair with his family's underage baby sitter. Statutory rape in most States!
Prosecutors decided to drop the investigation against Kennedy in response to the young woman's refusal to cooperate. Michael Kennedy's father was the late Sen. Robert F. Kennedy.You think maybe she was offered a "offer she could not refuse"?
Norfolk County District Attorney Jeffrey Locke said that he had no compelling evidence that would warrant any further investigations into the statutory rape accusations brought against Kennedy. However, the prosecutor did say that he would be "ready, willing, and able" to reopen the case if the baby sitter, now a 19-year-old college sophomore, decided to cooperate.
Hours after Locke's announcement, Kennedy publicly asked for forgiveness from his wife and family and the family of the baby sitter for his "serious mistakes."
In her article she wrote this absurd statement, despite the fact that most American Catholic Bishops condemned the action of Notre Dame in conferring a honorary degree on Obama!
"Notre Dame awarded the president an honorary degree because it saw the need to highlight the best of Catholic teaching as applied to politics: the ability to open the eyes of those who would prefer to keep them closed, and to open the hearts of those who would prefer not to know the pain that their actions cause. The pope has a lot to learn about Catholic politics in America. Barack Obama can teach him".
She must have ignored the fact that The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops in 2004, specifically forbade giving "awards, honors or platforms" to "those who act in defiance of our fundamental moral principles." And as a result the Bishop of Fort Wayne/South Bend, Indians Bishop John M. D'Arcy refused to attend the graduation eremony at which Notre Dma gave an honorary degree to Obama.
Abortion is a fundamental violation of Catholic doctrine, and anyone who supports it is in violation of the basic principles of the Church. So be it!
Ms. Kennedy joins a long list of people who call themselves Catholics, but by their actions and words have effectively excommunicated themselves from the Church
Latae sententiae for supporting an abortion advocate.
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