Last Monday, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu, perhaps the most closely guarded human being on the face of the Earth, went missing for almost an entire day.
His government did not confirm his whereabouts until nearly a week later. Bibi had been in Moscow, slipping off under a cloak of absolute secrecy for an emergency powwow with the Russian government.
What was so urgent that the matter could only be handled in person by Israel’s ultimate leader? There is only one topic these days that is earth-shaking enough to justify such a visit. That matter is Iran, a nation engaged in a furious effort to obtain nuclear weapons it can use to achieve the extermination of the Jewish race and the obliteration of the state of Israel, to say nothing of gaining primacy in the Middle East and a chokehold on international oil supplies.
A week before Netanyahu disappeared, the international news wires began burning with speculation about the cargo of a ship called the Arctic Sea, which was crewed by Russians and suddenly disappeared en route to Algeria, supposedly carrying a load of timber from Finland.
Two days before Netanyahu disappeared, the Times of London solved that maritime mystery. There were no logs in the hold of the Arctic Sea. Instead, there were log-shaped S-300 Russian anti-missile missiles, and their destination was not Africa but Iran. Desperate to interrupt the Russian effort, Israeli security forces who had the ship under surveillance leaked the plot. Russian forces swooped in to cover up the outrage before the world could find the smoking gun, making a lame attempt to put the whole thing off as a hijacking.
Iran wants these weapons for just one reason: to shoot down Israeli cruise missiles fired at Iranian nuclear installations in an effort to interrupt the Islamic dictatorship’s feverish preparation of a nuclear bomb.
According to KT McFarland Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense under President Reagan, the S-300 “Is a game changer.”
The S-300 is Russia’s version of the Patriot or Arrow missile system. It is a state of the art surface to air defense system involving radars, which can track 100 targets at a time, and interceptors or missiles, which can be fired simultaneously at 12 different inbound targets. The S-300 would not put an impenetrable virtual dome over Iran but it would dramatically increase for Israel the complications and risk of a strike.
Although the weapon is designed to be defensive, there is no guarantee it will only used for that. Israeli Rocket Scientist Uzi Rubin, a designer of the Arrow system, fears that Iran could give missile batteries to its allies or proxies closer to Israel’s border. “They don’t hesitate to pass weapons along to Syria or Hizbollah,” Says Rubin. And Iran need not aim the S-300 only at Israeli targets. KT McFarland says, “If they deploy it on he Afghan or Iraq borders. It could even threaten US and allied aircraft.” In Iranian control, the weapons system would be nearly as effective as actual nuclear weapons in terms of increasing tension and stoking the embers of paranoia in the region. “The S-300 could destabilize the whole Middle East,” According to Rubin.
Just weeks ago, rumors began circulating that Vladimir Putin’s KGB had begun sharing intelligence directly with the Hezbollah terrorist organization. At the time, the obscurity of the sources reporting this information combined with the seeming insanity of such a policy made the reports appear questionable to many. But now, with a secret delivery of high-technology weapons to Iran, such reports become chilling to contemplate.
Russia achieves a great deal by sowing terror in the Middle East. First and foremost, such terror ripples through international oil markets and drives up the price of Russian crude — the only thing keeping the Putin regime afloat these days after the Russian stock market collapsed in the wake of the global economic crisis. In August, Russia’s budget deficit increased a horrifying 40 percent, and a jolting 15 percent currency devaluation is predicted before the end of the year.
When Obama visited Russia this summer he apparently agreed to Putin's demands to not install anti-missile sites in the two Countries that were previously part of the Soviet Empire before it collapsed and freedom came to these previous communist dominated countries.
For this concession we were told by the irrelevant main stream media that Obama had obtained three concessions from Putin in exchange for Obama's missile concessions.
And irregardless of what Putin promised the fact still remains that a secret report from the United Nations' nuclear watchdog warns that Iran has the ability to make a nuclear bomb and is developing a missile system to carry it — an assessment that could call into question the Obama administration's claim on Thursday that the biggest threat from Iran comes from its short- and medium-range missiles.
Iran launched a satellite into space in February, a move that suggests the nation is making progress on long-range technology. The country also fired a mid-range rocket in May. And officials have warned repeatedly that Iran is developing technology that will allow it to build a nuclear weapon.
The Associated Press reported Thursday that, according to a secret report, officials at the International Atomic Energy Agency found Iran has the capacity to make a nuclear bomb and is developing a missile system to carry one.
So I ask you! Is what Obama did today going to be a help in defending US and our only friend in the Middle East,Israel? Or by trying to make allies of the Russians has he betrayed the Israelis and jeopardized our fleet when it passes through the straights of Hormuz?
Source:The Heritage Foundation.com
The U.S. about-face was a major diplomatic coup for Moscow, which has fiercely opposed the previous plan to put a battery of 10 ballistic missile interceptors in Poland and a radar in the Czech Republic.
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Czarek Sokolowski/Associated Press
A Polish woman protested against a request by the U.S. to place a missile defense base in Warsaw, Poland, in March 2007.
Moscow said its own nuclear arsenal was the target, rather than any threat from Iran as the former Bush administration said. In November, Russian President Dimitry Medvedev threatened to station tactical missiles on Poland's border if the U.S. system were deployed. Mr. Medvedev on Thursday gave no indication that Russia would respond to the U.S. shift with greater cooperation, for example in pressuring Iran over its nuclear-fuel program. Other Russian officials said explicitly Thursday that wouldn't happen.
The new plan would rely largely on existing weapons, particularly the U.S. Navy's ship-based missile-defense system. Its first phases would see the Pentagon deploy cruisers and destroyers equipped with sophisticated Aegis radars and antimissile interceptors to the eastern Mediterranean and North Sea.
US President Barack Obama's decision not to construct a missile shield has hit Warsaw hard, but the move was not unexpected. Now Poles are seeking to convince the administration to at least install Patriot missiles in the country.
Sept. 17 is not an auspicious date for Poland. In 1939 the Red Army marched into Poland from the east on September 17 and Hitler and Stalin divided the country between themselves. Up to today, Moscow still hasn't issued a clear apology for the attack. Exactly 70 years after the invasion, Poland is being forced to accept another defeat: US President Barack Obama has shelved his plans to build a missile shield in Poland and the Czech Republic.
The Americans wanted to build the silos for interceptor missiles intended to intercept any nuclear warheads that might be fired by rogue states in Slupsk, in eastern Poland. A related radar station was planned for the Czech Republic. On thursday, Washington announced that those plans were on ice in favor of a more short-range system centered on countering Iranian missiles.
Poland's Law and Justice Party sees it differently, and is suggesting Obama abandoned plans for the weapons system solely to improve ties with Moscow. The party is accusing the government of liberal Prime Minister Donald Tusk of not pushing ahead energetically enough to promote the missile plans.
Obama might have been thinking that canceling the plan would elicit some sort of quid pro quo from Moscow. The Russians are very happy about it, less because it can (presumably) improve US-Russian relations, and more because it means that Russia's tantrum has had its desired effect. … Russia's claim that the planned missile defense system harmed strategic stability was never meant seriously. It was rather intended as propaganda and a way to influence a public that was very touchy about this issue. So this means it pays to play hardball."
Conservative Die Welt writes:
"This is another signal that Obama is trying to prioritize confidence-building with Iran. And it fits well with his lofty project of pursuing a world without nuclear weapons. But it does raise the question of whether this policy is naïve and, in the end, dangerous."
"The other problem is that it leaves much of Central Europe disappointed. … People there are afraid of being abandoned again. Sandwiched between Western Europe (Germany, in particular) and Russia, the nations in Central Europe were for a long time the ping-pong ball of foreign powers. Having been admitted into NATO and the EU and having become visible partners with the US raised hopes in these countries that they really counted for something. After Obama's failure to appear at the ceremony marking the anniversary of the beginning of World War II in Gdansk, this will be the second blow to their hopes."
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