Friday, November 13, 2009


Every time I hear Obama pontificate on what he is going to do to improve the very economy he is so busily destroying, I remember the bombastic five-year economic plans under the Soviet Union communist party's centralized planning who were full of rhetoric, but delivered disaster to Russian socialist economies time and time again.

Obama announced yesterday, that he had planned "a forum(aka: summit) at the White House on jobs and economic growth ... to talk about how we can work together to create jobs and get this economy moving again." Isn't this the precise combination of words Obama used to sell his stimulus package in the first place: "creating jobs to get the economy moving again"? The answer is yes.

A few months ago, Obama wasn't looking for experts to tell him how to stimulate the economy. He claimed to be the expert with the magic bullet solution. Having demonstrably failed, Obama is now convening a photo-op summit, designed to deflect blame and personal accountability for his policy failures and to provide an excuse to give us more of the same, because you can bet that he won't be inviting Friedman free marketers, but academic adherents to failed Keynesian thinking and businesspeople whose judgment and policy endorsement he has purchased or will purchase with your money.

Such disasters involved goods and services that nobody wanted or needed but employed millions of workers at subsistence levels, chronic shortages of basic foods, medicines, energy, water, and fuel that required rationing coupons. Such rationing devolved into perennial long lines (people joined lines all the times, often not really knowing what was for sale, but certain that whatever it was, they needed it) and a thriving black market for everything that was unwisely planned during such grandiose spectacles of the five-year planing committee.

It is nauseating to watch this man lie to the American people while destroying their jobs, their lives, their health care, their futures, and their children's futures for generations to come. The actual rate of unemployment, which includes discouraged workers is around 17%, much more than the promised 8%. Which Americans actually believe that he "saved" or "created" jobs? Just how does one measure such "created" or "saved" jobs? It sounds like voodoo economics to me. Source:Patriot Post

The perception of most economists that are not devoted to Obama, is that the Obama administration is anti-business, and I agree! Newt Gingrich said it well in this quote found in The Washington Examiner. "Last Friday, the unemployment rate jumped to 10.2 percent. The underemployment rate -- including part-time workers who want full-time jobs and those who have simply quit looking for work -- reached 17.5 percent. How did Washington react?

The next day the Democratic-controlled House passed a trillion-dollar increase in government disguised as a health care bill. In the face of the worst jobless rate in 26 years, the Obama administration and congressional Democrats don't seem to realize that adopting bad policies kills jobs. What's most remarkable about this is that the president should know better. We now have proof that the Obama administration's job-killing policies are hurting America.

In an interview with CNBC last January, when he was still trying to sell his massive $787 stimulus bill, President Obama predicted, "If we do nothing, things will get much, much worse. With the plan that we have, we will do better than we would otherwise have done." At the time, the Obama White House predicted that unemployment wouldn't get worse than 8 percent if the stimulus was enacted. By the middle of 2009, they promised, the massive spending bill would be having a positive effect on employment. So much for promises. By the White House's own standards of success, its economic recovery policies have been an abject failure.

That doesn't mean they don't keep touting the stimulus as a success, of course, aided by that most meaningless of economic metrics, "jobs created or saved." In fact, the most accurate measure of jobs under the Obama administration and the Democratic Congress isn't jobs "saved or created," its jobs "lost and dislocated."

American Solutions calculates that the 1 million jobs number cited by the administration as gains for employment actually represents future, additional unemployment. The one million jobs supposedly funded by the stimulus bill -- overwhelmingly in government -- will necessarily end when their government funding ends. Add these one million dislocated workers to the 3.2 million Americans who have lost their jobs since the stimulus was passed and you have an astonishing more than 4 million jobs lost and dislocated since the beginning of the Obama administration's policies.

The one million jobs supposedly funded by the stimulus bill -- overwhelmingly in government -- will necessarily end when their government funding ends. Add these one million dislocated workers to the 3.2 million Americans who have lost their jobs since the stimulus was passed and you have an astonishing more than 4 million jobs lost and dislocated since the beginning of the Obama administration's policies. Democratic economic policies aren't simply ineffective, they are affirmatively job killing. And they're about to get worse. "

 I believe the Obama economic policies are not designed, to create jobs, but to grow government and solidify power by first destroying the Free Enterprise system. And with it destroy our freedoms granted to US in the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Americans awake before it is too late!!

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