While doing my usual morning review of the contributing authors columns in the "Townhall" site. It occurred to me that the problem with the debate going on in congress regarding what to do with the illegal immigration problem is there is too much emotion and not enough facts in the debate.
Those who are for addressing the problem seem to think the best way to solve their dilemma is to sweep it under the rug with the "guest workers" program.
How can you refer to 12 million illegal aliens as guests? I voted for President Bush twice,but could somebody please wake him up. 92 percent of those polled by IQ research said "securing our borders should be a federal government priority.Of those polled by Time magazine, 72% said they believe,"illegal aliens increase the likelihood of terrorism." Even New York Times columnist, Paul Krugman, wrote "illegals don't pay enough taxes to cover the cost of the government benefits they receive".
All the latest polls show a majority of Americans want the federal government to get tough on illegal immigration. As one author said, "we can't be the world HMO."
If only our elected representatives would listen to those who voted for them and quit worrying that they will offend or alienate the Hispanic population, and look at the facts they might have the courage to stop the tide of illegal and potentially dangerous people coming in to our country. There is enough evidence that many of these illegals work in government subsidized farm production which ends up being stored in government paid for storage. All of which takes another bite of poor "Joe Six Pack" in his taxes withheld from his paycheck.
We need to start refusing to re-elect those members of congress who don't stop this illegal problem. Are we willing to stand up and be counted?
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
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