Friday, March 24, 2006

Peace Activist Released

Peace Activists Release
In the most recent news of the rescued "peace activists" release in Iraq a great deal of anti-American words were spoken by those released. Nothing was said in gratitude to and for the heroic armed service personal who were instrumental in their release. This brings to mind a weird thought of mine. I wonder if these "peace" people were complicit in their own capture, so that they could get a world wide audience for their anti-American statements when they were released. They show no sign of any harm or brutality being inflicted on them as have many others whom terrorists have captured. At any rate, whether this was arranged for political and/or ideological reason or not is not as important as the fact that these people were, as Prime Minister Tony Blair recently said, "Pandering to Terrorists" and "feeding it's growth". The next captives may not be as lucky as these ingrates, because their anti-American rhetoric does give aid and comfort to our enemies in a time of war.

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