In 1773 the British Parliament repealed the Townshead Act which had forced American colonists to pay taxes on everything imported. But the repeal exempted the tax on tea from the repeal. This tax of approximately British shilling per pound of tea of this tax the colonist entrepreneur's, somewhat like old Joe Kennedy, decided to "bootleg" tea from Holland to avoid paying the tax. These laterday smugglers did it in a big way and managed to bring enough tea to America for sale to effectively put the British sponsored East India Tea Company close to financial disaster. To help the desperate EITC the British Parliament passed the "Tea Act" in May of 1773. This act allowed the East India Tea Company to sell directly to American colonists bypassing the colonial merchants who we selling the tea from Holland. The taxes and duties collected by the British were refunded in large part to The EITC as a "subsidy" to help them succeed. This enraged the colonists who began the chant, "no taxation without representation". This resulted in the ports of New York and Philadelphia refusing the Tea ships to dock at their ports. Boston allowed three ships to dock, but the dock workers refused to unload the tea,and on the night of 12/16/73/16/73 "The Sons of Liberty", about 60 men dressed as Indians, boarded the three ships and dump into the harbor 342 chests (45 tons) of tea valued at 18,00 pounds British Sterling. Because of this act of "revolution" the British parliament passed the "Intolerability Act" which effectively eliminated self government for the Massachusetts colonists,and closed the Boston harbor. Thus was the match struck that lit the fuse that led to the explosion of Revolution against the British in 1775. Today the issue is taxes in excess of what Americans at the polls in November of 2000 and 2004 voted for. The majority of Americans voted for politicians who promised to limit the size of government and the tax burden on us Americans. The exact opposite has occurred. Government and the spending has grown out of control. Not all of it can be explained by our war against terrorism. Too many expenditures for pork projects by incumbent members of congress for their special friends back home has been a big cause of the budget busting.
Now the oil crisis has hit us, and too many members of congress think the way to rein in the high cost of gas if through taxation. Tax increases at the pump and repeal of tax breaks for exploration and drilling for new sources of oil are in the proposals by various members of congress. No mention, not even by president Bush, of a roll back of the 18 cent federal tax per gallon of gas. Just more punative "acts" to force us and American industry to use less oil. The motor that runs this great country. When will the American people realize that it is time to revolt at the ballot box and vote out of office those that refuse to stop spending and taxing like we are the "colonists" and they are the British "masters". In the free enterprise way of life it is not a "sin" to make a profit. Especially when the stockholders and pension funds that hold the stock are beneficiaries of the profit. It is a "sin" when government makes us work from January 1st to May each year just to pay for their spending habits!